And I’m one of them.
Well played, sir.
Count me among the masses, also.
[quote]destroyedquads wrote:
And I’m one of them.[/quote]
I can confirm! Polo is indeed an asshole!
Takes one to know one Andrew
Assholes are like opinions; everyone’s got one but some you wouldn’t come close to and others you’d come inside of.
I’m an asshole. Its been said many a time. I am however repentant and working to change. Which of course is a lost cause because once an asshole always an asshole.
Is it better to be the ass hole or the whole ass?
so OP your a turd cutter?
I’m an ass cheek.
[quote]Johnny T Frisk wrote:
Is it better to be the ass hole or the whole ass?[/quote]
Whole asshole?
[quote]Johnny T Frisk wrote:
Is it better to be the ass hole or the whole ass?[/quote]
It’s BEST being a dick that fucks assholes.
And pussies.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
A ass in a hole, its like dividing by zero.
[quote]polo77j wrote:
Takes one to know one Andrew[/quote]
That phrase is soo untrue! For instance, do I have to be a nun to know what a nun is?? How about titties? I know a tittie when I see one, but I’m not a tittie! You don’t have to be something to know it when you see it!
And you Polo put the the gyno in gynormous asshole! I, on the other hand, am a gentleman!
[quote]polo77j wrote:
Well played, sir.
Count me among the asses, also.[/quote]
I destroy assholes.
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I eat assholes.[/quote]
Thats how you get pinkeye
[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I eat assholes.[/quote]
Thats how you get pinkeye[/quote]
My pinkeyes match the pink socks.
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
[quote]AndrewG909 wrote:
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I eat assholes.[/quote]
Thats how you get pinkeye[/quote]
My pinkeyes match the pink socks.
you got pinksocked? so print did get his way with you.