[quote]SouthernGypsy wrote:
I originally put this question in the “So, What’s Next?” thread, but probably shouldn’t have because it had nothing to do with that subject.
What I wanted to know from the third party supporters (any of them), is why do they think a third party candidate would do so well to run the country if they can’t even figure out how to win a marginal amount of votes?[/quote]
I know you responded to me in the other post so I will respond here.
I said what I said because the more I get interested and learn about politics as an independent I learn how much crap you need to filter through before you really learn that both sides are the same but in exactly different ways.
Now if I truely want the thing that I value heading into the election to become true such as:
No legislating morality or values
Much smaller budget
Keeping our asses out of foreign conflicts
Now those are only 3 of the many more views I have obviously.
Do you really think either party will come close to addressing this issue? I think not. We’ll see more legislation, more spending (albeit in different areas), and still poking our noses into others business.
I think what has turned me into this line of thought is the disintigration of the republican party and their core values as a small government, less regulation, less intervention party. People will argue that republicans still hold their core beliefs of pro-life, no gay marriage, etc…
Now those values are not, in my opinion what republicans should call conservative. The fact that it was even being mentioned of putting marriage between a man and a woman as an ammendment should make conservatives sick. That is not conservative, that’s as a radical of a thought as you can get. Conservative in my opinion is keeping the governments nose out of that type of business and letting the people decide themselves what they want. In other words conservative is holding the true constitutional values and not trying to change it or interpret it in other ways (what liberal would be).
While I think each party has it’s place, I don’t think you really are getting a true choice out of the parties. Yes both candidates are very different, but I really don’t think that either can spur any REAL change.
Now to the topic of them not being able to get into office. If you think the attitude of wasted vote went out the window and they grabbed a little more of the vote each election do you think that they would get more and more coverage? I believe so.
Also to finish this off…
With a good percentage of people out there claiming they are voting the “the lesser of two evils” doesn’t that just scream that something is really fucked up with how things are going?
So now I ask you, what choice do I have if I want what I value to be in place?