So I have been on TRT for 12 months now, initially I started through my GP on Nebido, felt incredible after first injection, then another at 4 weeks due to low shbg, then switched to a private Dr who started me on Enanthate and HCG, after months of tinkering and different doses I realised I felt better on lower levels.
Currently on 30mg Enanthate every 3.5 days and take HCG 100iu twice a week.
Feel good physically but I seem to really struggle with HCG, I started on 1000iu a week and tapered all the way down to where I am now but still feel off, high anxiety, suppressed appetite, strange sensation in my head among other things and it’s the day after HCG injection I feel it, I have stopped it for over a week and these things went away but then I experience atrophy and start to feel worse then have to take the HCG again, so you can see this is a vicious cycle.
Also to had I have struggled with high Hemoglobin and HCT.
And also my libido is just non existent, I can count on my hand how many times I’ve had libido in the last 12 months.
I just feel like I’m getting no where and I don’t know whether the libido is due to a mental flaw or it’s hormonal?
When I started Nebido, my libido was through the roof and I felt great for about 8 weeks then my testicles shrunk and I got lots of sides etc this is when I switched to private for a better standard of care.
I just don’t know what to do, I feel like I had less things to worry about and think about before TRT, yes I had low T and struggled with energy but I feel life was somewhat easier.
Here are my latest results in UK metrics with US beside them:
TT 15.7 nmol/l 452 ng/dl
FT 0.489 nmol/l
SHBG 13 nmol/l
E2 78 pmol/l 21.2 pg/ml
Everything else good including lipids, thyroid etc.
Just at al loss and in need of serious help, I’ve researched everything to the core and spent hours researching, in the UK the Drs only know so much.
I know what I need to do to come off, for example Nolva or Clomid and timescales etc.
If anyone has any insight into my problem please share