[quote]lixy wrote:
Those are very dangerous individuals who are terrorizing the population of the Maghreb. I don’t think Spain is at risk though for the simple reason that the Spaniards are out of Iraq.[/quote]
OBL has been talking about the reconquest of Spanish Andelusia long before the Iraq invasion. Trying to tie the two together is naked ideology on your part - Islamist elements, bright as they be, knew exactly how to get one force out of Iraq. And, of course, Spain opted for the politics of appeasement.
And what did it purchase them? More threats from Islamists who have been promising to take Spain back for years. The Spanish voters - much like you - falsely believe that their actions will somehow quell the pathology that wants to subjugate them. The think that their is some course of action that will actually change the minds of the bad guys. Naively, they will be proven wrong.
Ridiculous assumption - if that were true, why target a civilian train for the war in Iraq?
And, under your theory, they would have no reason to attack US interests in Spain - after all, they got what they wanted: a change in leadership that no longer agrees with the US. Why attack US interests now, if their only interest was to get Spaniards out of Iraq?
Your own theory of what happened defies your current explanation.
If you must speculate, do a better job.
Nonsense - they are exactly the same thing. Islamists hate the existence of Israel because of its presence, period. If there were a prosperous Palestinian state with golden roads and truckloads of free women to whip, there still would be no peace with Israel.
The Palestinian “cause” (of recent vintage, by the way, no one used to care) is merely the latest excuse to try and extinguish the Jewish state. Arab nations don’t care a whit about the Palestinians, unless it provides them with a stalking horse to destroy Israel. The existence or non-existence of a Palestinian state is irrelevant - the existence of Israel drives the violence.
Spain, of course, is the same - Islamists want the old territory back and it is an affront that the area is under a rule not part of the caliphate. What will be the excuse this time? Spaniards allowing women to go without their head and face covered?
Of course, you are always reliable to be the gullible enough to believe whatever “reason” they offer as a legitimate grievance to justify their violence. You always take it as true.
That is your wont - you will buy - hook, line, and sinker - any excuse they whine about to justify their murderous intentions. You are one of their useful dupes. You claim to hate Islamists as much as the West, but you are brainlessly complicit in their ideology because you either don’t have the sense or the guts ask tougher questions of them.
I suspect it is a little of both, but regardless, you aren’t a rational voice on the topic.