[quote]Gregus wrote:
I noticed recently a rash of stories about women, all fat, who went into the hospital because of some sort of pain and found out they were in labor. They had no idea that for the last 9 months they were pregnant.
Not to sound insensitive but honestly WTF? Is this a sign of low intelligence? Low IQ? Just plain stupidity?
Even if she never has a period that would stop with a pregnancy as an indicator, how out of touch with your body do you have to be, to miss an epic thing like pregnancy. Seeing this a few times made me appreciate the sentiment that fat people (fat women, especially) really can be quite stupid. As in dangerously stupid. Stupid like a cow. [/quote]
Not all of them are fat, and there are a lot of factors that can contribute. Sometimes if the baby is transverse or posterior in the uterus, you don’t feel the kicking. Lots of women have irregular periods and have been told they can’t get pregnant.
One woman had been told she could not get pregnant, had tried for years and years, had not had a period in something like 22 years. She had symptoms, but having been told it could never happen–movement can feel like gas bubbles. If the baby is in an odd position, often you don’t gain much size.
With my first pregnancy, the way the baby was laying in the uterus, I did not show until my very last weeks of pregnancy. I was about 120 lbs at 5ft 7 at the time and only gained about ten pounds up to close to the end.
I also spotted throughout the pregnancy, enough to seem like a light period. If I had not been wickedly sick the first three months, I could easily have not known. Most everyone else did not know unless I told them.
Anyway, it is more common than you would think. Though I think sometimes someone does not want to know they are pregnant. The human mind can be pretty powerful when it comes to denial. Why a lot of us women continue to date assholes who treat us badly when all evidence to the contrary indicates we should dump them on their asses.