The Tactical Life

Thought for the day:

Thought for the day:

Experience is different from currency and relevance.

Experience never “expires” unless you don’t keep track of other advancements.

Currency has to do with how your skills advance with evolving threats that affect TTTP’s


Relevance has to do with the value of your experiences, and skills to a specific demographic.

Thought for the day:

Just curious this morning. I have been a member here for a long time. Does anyone else miss the old T-Nation? The format? The writers? The discussions and arguements on something besides politics? Maybe it just me, but, the site needs some spice.

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It took me a LONG time to get used to this new format. I’ve been here since 1999. I do miss some of the old posters from a long time ago. Do you remember you used to be able to just make up a user name for every post, so you could even use someone else’s username for your post?

I believe that was before my time. I believe , I started around 2007. I do remember writers like Nate Green and posters like Robert A and Fighting Irish, arguements about different martial arts, which was better, etc. There was also some humorus discussions on the old SAMA. I am drawing a blank this morning, but, I enjoyed the instant feedback you were able to post to the writers, don’t remember the correct name. Best to you and have a good Thanksgiving.

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Thought for the day:

Casualties: many. Percentage dead: unknown. Combat efficiency: We are winning.” ~
Colonel David M. Shoup, USMC, Tarawa, 21 November 1943

Colonel David M. Shoup, commander of the 2nd Marine Regiment, was the senior officer of the landed forces, and he assumed command of all landed Marines upon getting ashore. Although wounded by an exploding shell soon after landing at the pier, Shoup had the pier cleared of Japanese snipers and rallied the first wave of Marines who had become pinned down behind the limited protection of the sea wall. Over the next two days, working without rest and under constant withering enemy fire, he directed attacks against strongly defended Japanese positions, pushing forward despite daunting defensive obstructions and heavy fire. Throughout, Shoup was repeatedly exposed to Japanese small arms and artillery fire, inspiring the forces under his command. For his actions on Betio, he was awarded the Medal of Honor

Live Spill, I think.

Yes, that was it, thanks.

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Thought for the day:

Because at the end of the day, nobody cares about your pronouns when you’re taking enemy fire. The only thing that matters is whether the person next to you knows how to fight—and whether the person leading you knows how to win.

Thought for the day:

This game is a war,” Day said earlier this week. “Any time there is a war, there’s consequences and casualties. Then there’s plunder and the rewards that come with it.”

I enjoy football, especially college games, but, I am so tired of coaches and players contantly stating the childs game they play is “war”. Anyone is who has survived combat would never say something so stupid.

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Thought for the day:

We all have two lives. The second one starts when we realize we only have one.
