So, some women have got dressed up over-the-top-ironically-slutty and marched to reclaim the word ‘slut’. Slutwalk London: 'Yes means yes and no means no' - BBC News
This was apprently provoked by a Canadian policeman’s (reported) comments from a talk at a school where he advised kids, speaking from experience, to “avoid dressing like sluts to avoid being victimised”.
This has really upset some people, mostly women.
I think he gave good, practical advice, based on far more useful experience than any idealistic feminist wuoted on this topic has given.
Obviously, I do not condone rape. I have many sisters and torturous castration wouldn’t even begin to punish anyone who tried to rape women, in my opinion. However, I am also practical.
There are bad people in the world, rapists, killers and thieves among them. While they exist (I don’t believe we will ever have 0 rapists worldwide) we need to be realistic and deal with the world as it is.
We would advise someone (we wanted to protect from harm) to not walk in the most dark and isolated streets in a city, alone, for their protection. It is not just a liberty to be able to walk anywhere you want, in some neighbourhoods. It is naive and dangerous.
So, while realising it isn’t ‘fair’, I would advise any of my female friends, family or my girlfriend to not ‘show off’ (aka not dress slutty) to avoid drawing the attention of rapists, just the same as I would not wear flashy jewellery and chains (I wear none) or leave a ground floor window open, as much as I would like to in summer, to avoid the attention of thieves.
Am I the only one who sees it that way?