I cant believe this, how stupid can people be?
The sad part is , some idiots will actually buy this shit …
Not only does it shake the fat off, but it will give you better control when have a singlesome!
that looked like a fucking dildo… - YouTube
so that must be the elusive perfect rep Thibs was talking about!! This must be THE secret to I, BODYBUILDER!
Repost. 09 sucks forever
Buy one for any girl who still gives a handjob…maybe after all that shaking she’ll be tired enough to use her mouth.
[quote]CTLVR wrote:
The sad part is , some idiots will actually buy this shit …[/quote]
yes, how much does the shake weight cost in the matrix?
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
CTLVR wrote:
The sad part is , some idiots will actually buy this shit …
yes, how much does the shake weight cost in the matrix?[/quote]
HAHA awesome
Mr Clean + the blue pill
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
CTLVR wrote:
The sad part is , some idiots will actually buy this shit …
yes, how much does the shake weight cost in the matrix?[/quote]
I raped a chick with that thing once. She came back for more…
I though this was a SNL joke video or something like that. Unbelievable. If thats the best pump youve ever gotten then Im sorry to say that you have fucked up every work out youve ever done. Oh and Im not sorry, youre just a retard.
6 Minutes??? Weaksauce! I can shake my weight for hours…
buying a machine that says you can target bis, tris, chest, and delts in olnly 6 min a day, using words that sound complex but arent (dynamic inertia) to describe the product, and to top it off the actual motion of the equipment is basically jacking off… and yes people will buy this thing instead of a gym membership, so so sad
forget I, Bodybuilder! This is the only black ops project you guys should need! Time to get sup3r R1pp3d!
[quote]Everlast9489 wrote:
Buy one for any girl who still gives a handjob…maybe after all that shaking she’ll be tired enough to use her mouth. [/quote]
i damn near fell outta my chair man
[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
CTLVR wrote:
The sad part is , some idiots will actually buy this shit …
yes, how much does the shake weight cost in the matrix?[/quote]
Nice one Mac . Made me chuckle .
How have I NOT seen this until today???