I am sure the topic of SARMS has been raised several times, and I would be willing to bet that people do not put a lot of faith in them, particularly when comparing them to more intense PEDs. However, I have been toying with the idea for a long time of trying a cycle of steroids, but because of my fear of needles and the side effects (hair loss being high on that list) I have not yet taken the plunge. So, I thought I would try SARMS to see if the benefits would be enough to satisfy my needs.
First, this is not a pitch. I am not trying to sell anything, so I will not name the source.
Second, I am not a body builder. I run marathons, triathlons, distance cycling and kick boxing and I am looking to improve my times and get a bit more competitive. Although, a little more muscle mass would be nice, just for the ego.
I will be taking Cardarine and Ligandrol, 20mg per day of each, in liquid form.
Currently, my stats are:
Age: 36
Height: 178cm (Although, I don’t expect that to change)
Weight: 73kg (Basically slim, but a little excess around the mid section)
Both knees cause trouble
Right shoulder pain from an old injury
Left hip pain.
10km run, 46 minutes (best), 55-minutes average
60km cycling, sitting comfortably at 30-35kph
Boxing, gassing out by the 4th round
I will update this next week with any, or the lack of any, changes.