30 minutes treadmill. Weight Loss level 4 (PR)
Speed Bench 9x3@135
DB Bench Press 3x8@60 (PR)
EZ Curl Tricep Extensions
Front/Side/Back Lateral Medley
Bar with rotating handles curl
Not too much today. Just in, work, and out.
30 minutes treadmill. Weight Loss level 4 (PR)
Speed Bench 9x3@135
DB Bench Press 3x8@60 (PR)
EZ Curl Tricep Extensions
Front/Side/Back Lateral Medley
Bar with rotating handles curl
Not too much today. Just in, work, and out.
Reverse Band Bench w/purple band
DB Bench Press
65x8x3 (PR)
I didn’t wake up well today. I guess I actually overslept because I got about 10 hours yesterday. Still a bit groggy, but managed to PR in two lifts today. So I’m happy.
Giant Cambered Bar Box Squat
315x1 (PR)
Worked up to 360x1
So I basically maxed out on two movements today, so the supplemental work was left out. For some reason I feel it in my hamstrings more with the GCB. Legs are fried. Good stuff.
Bench Press
DB Bench Press -70x8x2, 70x6
Hammer Strength Press
Tricep Pushdowns
Day one on the wendler 5/3/1. I know I have been following a strict westside protocol lately, but I feel that my top end numbers are starting to stagnate. I think I’ve hit the peak for the amount of muscle I have. So I’m going to use the 5/3/1 to grow my strength base. Then I’ll transition back to a westside approach.
The weight today was purposely low. I haven’t done rep work in a while and I wanted to give myself a chance to get useed to doing it again.
2/15/09 training (yesterday)
215x8 (PR)
Olypic Squats
Prowler Sprint
30ish yards low handles
30ish yards high handles
Squat session went very well. The power squat x5’s were good. I’m not used to doing reps anymore so the weight was a little tough towards the end. I think they will be better next week. It’s good to have my training partners because they threw cues at me to help me throughout the lift. For example my left knee kept coming in after the third and fourth rep. I’m going to have to make a consious effort to remember that point.
The olypic squats almost made me puke. The weight wasn’t heavy at all, but the reps almost killed me. Today everything on me is sore. My hamstrings, my glutes, my quads, and my calves all sore as hell.
So I had no intention of pushing a prowler on squat day. But my partner asked if I wanted to, and I never had before, and I said what the hell. Three major things I learned from this experience.
a. I’m really out of shape.
b. I should eat something prior to training, specially if I’m going to push a prowler. I wanted to faint.
c. I really can’t do this on squat day. I wanted to throw up.
I think I’m going to get myself one one of these and keep it in the car. On my non leg days, and maybe an off day I’ll bring it out and get in shape.
Military Press
10 minutes recumbent bike
10 minutes treadmill
Deadlifts 250x5, 270x5, 285x7 (PR)
Bench Press 160x3, 170x3, 180x8 (PR)
Bench Press 135x10,x10, x7
Crazy weekend. I was out of town and I could only train one day so I tried to get both days in. I decided to just do the minimal work and get out. Still hit two PR’s so I’m happy.
Squats - 205x3, 220x3, 230x5(PR)
Olympic Squats - 140x10x2, 140x8
GHR- BWx4x2, BWx3
Ab Wheel -2x12
Nautilus Machine - 2 sets whatever pin it was on when I got there.
Didn’t feel too strong today, but that it typical of me on the weekdays. I have much more energy on the weekends. So I’m happy with the PR. The first two sets felt explosive, which I am very happy about. However the inside of my right knee seems to be a little tender. I think that is from the higher reps and going wide. I didn’t have my training partners today, but from what I remember him saying last squat session was that I was about two inches too deep. I think the over deepness (phrase?) is causing some sheering on my knees. I’ll have to address that somehow.
And I still suck at GHR’s!
Military Press -110x3, 115x3, 120x7(PR Rep)
Military Press - 95x10, 95x6
Pulldowns - 3 sets
If I were to rank my lifts it would be in this order
Military Press
But the Military would be nowhere near the other three. It is abysmal. I not sure if it lack of shoulder strength, or tricep strength, or what. Whatever it is I hope this 5/3/1 helps.
I also need to order some new wrist straps. The ones I have aren’t long enough. A belt would be nice too.
Deadlift 275x3, 285x3, 305x8(PR)
GHR 1x3,1x2,1x1 (awful)
BenchPress- 150x5, 170x3, 190x5 (PR)
BenchPress - 135x10x3
Another crazy weekend so I had to shove two training sessions into one. PR’d in both so I’m happy. I’m stoked about the 305x8/ First 6 reps were pretty easy. I paused at the bottom for the last two, just so I could muster up the energy.
Squat 200x5, 220x3, 240x5 (PR)
Good Morning- 135x8, 135x5
GHR -BWx4, BWx2, BWx1 = Total 7
Leg Curl - 100x8x3
Ab Wheel- 1 very long set until almost failure
Lying Ab Medley
Roman Chair Situp - 2x10
As you can see I did a whole bunch of shit today. Usually I do my Squat 5/3/1, then 3-5 sets of 10. But that sounded real boring today so I skimped on the 3-5x10. I needed some lower back work so I did good mornings. The bar I used sucked ass as the middle part was smooth as hell and kept slipping off my back. So I got annoyed and stopped. Again my GHR suck but I got one more than last time so I’m content with that. Don’t ask why I did leg curls, I just felt like I should. Then a bunch of ab crap and that is.
Two things I feel like I must get a grip on is my conditioning and my moblity/flexibility. I suck at both, so I’m going to have to research some stuff.
I hate training during the week. Feel tired. Real tired.
3/0709 training
Military press 100x5, 110x3, 125x5
Military Press- 95x8x3, 95x8
DB Tri Extensions
Face Pulls
Hammer Curls
Stil suck at the military presses. I know these will be the first of the four lifts to crap out on me. I think I’m going to move the main accessory lift to DB Presses. I may have an inbalance. I wanted to do pulldowns but some dude bogarted the machine for like half an hour. So they’re skipped til next time
Deadlift - 250x5,280x3, 320x5(PR)
45 degree back raises- BWx10x2
Roman Chair Situp - 3x10
So I have completed my first wave of the 5.3.1. These are the PR’s attained.
Bench Press
240x3 & 240x5
130x3 & 130x5
320x3 & 320x5
Today I got in the book Starting Strength. I have a cousin who is 16 who wants to start training with me. Since he’s a typical teenager, and basically a spaz, I thought the best way to start him off with my with the Starting Strength progression. Then, after he got stronger, and stopped progressing he’d move onto a standard 5x5. Eventually when that stalls (and it always does) then it’s onto WSFSB. After that he’s on his own because he’ll be 22 and a grown ass man by then.
Me? I’m onto wave two of the Wendler 5.3.1. I’m going to just keep going until October when I will do my first me. My only concern will be about 12 weeks out when I start working with gear. Since I don’t have gear, I’m going to have to get some and then get used to it. I know its going to take at least the 12 weeks. I just dont know how I’m going to incorporate my 5.3.1 programming and my gear work.
This powerlifting shit can get a little confusing can’t it?
Bench Press - 160x5, 170x5, 180x8(PR)
DB Bench - 55x3x10
Another crazy weekend where I was out of town. I knew I couldn’t train yesterday, but I got home too late today to do two sessions at once. So I decided just to do the Bench work.
Something a little bit different today was for every set of bench I did (including warmups) I did a set of 10 on the pulldown. I read someone doing this with their athletes on Elite and I thought it was a good idea. So I got about 6 sets in on that.
I’ve noticed that life, in general, doesn’t allow you to keep to a schedule real well. I haven’t been able to lift on my scheduled days for the past month. I like how flexible this 5.3.1. thing is.
I think anyone who plans out specific days to do specific lifts (Ie monday=bench, tuesday=squat, etc) is just making life difficult on themselves. Nobody can stick to that kind of schedule, and if they can, it won’t be for long.
Squat - 190x5,210x4,225x8(PR)
GHR - BWx4,BWx3,BWx2 Total=9
Roman Chair Situp - BWx8x3
Incline situp - 2 sets til whatever.
Not much to say today. GHR still suck, but again one more than last time . . .so whoooopieeeee.
No IPOD today and I had to listen to people around me. Some dude with a ponytail and a slovakian accent was doing sets of 8 with 315. I guess that’s impressive. However he looks up at the record board and starts saying to some other oaf that he can easily break the records on the board. Now sven wants to do a meet. I wanted to go over there and slap him silly. #1. Doing 3 sets of 8 with 315 doesn’t mean you can squat 600. All it means is you can squat 315 eight times. Now don’t get me wrong. I’ll bet he can get 405, but 600? Not a chance.
Whatever, just ranting. . .
Theres 4 or 5 people on here who have just about the same numbers as you (including me). Check out their logs, I learned alot from looking at them. Good luck with your training, ill be watching.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
Theres 4 or 5 people on here who have just about the same numbers as you (including me). Check out their logs, I learned alot from looking at them. Good luck with your training, ill be watching.[/quote]
Thank you. I definitely check out the other logs.
03/22/09 training.
Deadlift - 260x5, 275x5, 295x8
GHR - BWx2, BWx1, BWx1 = total 4 = SUCK!!!
Romanian Chair Situps - BWx12x3
20 minutes treadmill walk level 4.
Later on that night.
1 mile walk at the track.
Not sure why I had zero hamstring strength. Whatever. I’m taking this as an off day. Back at it tonight.
03/22/09 training.
Deadlift - 260x5, 275x5, 295x8
GHR - BWx2, BWx1, BWx1 = total 4 = SUCK!!!
Romanian Chair Situps - BWx12x3
20 minutes treadmill walk level 4.
Later on that night.
1 mile walk at the track.
Not sure why I had zero hamstring strength. Whatever. I’m taking this as an off day. Back at it tonight.
Bench Press 175x3,185x3,190x6 (PR)
5 min walk warmup
1 min run
14 min walk level 2
Volume 1, Chapter 20 the great Wendler hath written “I aint doing shit today” and it was good.