The PCT SERM dosing in this forum is wrong

[quote]KSman wrote:
Anastrozole and Letro do not have any negative direct effects on lipids. Taking E2 into single digits can do that. So its dosing that is the problem, not the AI. Do not take E2 to low levels. That also robs energy, mood and libido.

Anastrozole mechanically interferes with T at aromatase reaction sites. I do not see how a SERM would mess with that.

SERM doses that create high LH levels lead to high T–>E2 reaction rates inside the testes and because T levels there can be 80 - 100 time higher than serum levels, a competitive AI does not stand a chance. Meanwhile aromatase is working perfectly in peripheral tissues. So the premise that a SERM interferes with these AI’s seems wrong, even though an AI can fail to reduce E2 levels in this situation. Clearly a case of a mistaken assumption, even though the outcome is the same. We have seen guys put on stupid high hCG or SERM doses by idiot doctors, do lab work and E2 is high and keep increasing anastrozole doses. One guy was taking 2mg anastrozole per day, instead of 1mg per week. Doctors do not understand this problem. It was obvious to me knowing what intratesticular T levels are and the nature of a competitive drug. An engineer can figure this out. Doctors are not equipped for deductive reasoning and critical thought.

I don’t like aromasin simply because it does not work well. You need to take around 25 times more mg’s of aromasin to do what 1mg of anastrozole does. I have my doubts that aromasin would work well from high T–>E2 induced in the testes by SERM dosing that is too high. Aromasin is a suicide inhibitor. If that is so great, why do you need to take so much?

I do not have data that bears on whether aromasin fares better inside the testes. But if SERMs are dosed correctly, we don’t need to care about that.

Why do you suggest that anastrozole is liver toxic? A few mg’s per week is not a high chemical load. Some gear is liver toxic, so how do you separate or isolate one effect to anastrozole? Guys take anastrozole for years non-stop for TRT and we do not see any hint of a problem with AST/ALT labs.

AI’s do not lower SHBG. Lower E2 levels lower SHBG and higher T levels lower SHBG. Any effect of an AI on SHBG is an indirect effect.

I agree, more FT improves gains and so does optimal E2 levels. Note that T+SHBG is not bio-available.

The hype about aromasin is nuts. On a mg to mg basis, it does now work well and its more expensive to use. In a TRT context, aromasin shows no advantages except for the rare guy who has a tolerance problem with anastrozole.

So that the way I see things. If “what is written” was accurate, I would not have to do any of this. There is so much misleading stuff on the web.


the issue with tamoxifen and anastrozole is a drug interaction that reduces the plasma levels of anastrozole.

i believe the study was done in women, and actually didn’t result in a significant difference in total E2 levels, however. i suspect it would be different in men, tho…