I haven’t posted my training anywhere online for a while now, but after a lengthy (3-4 month) layoff I’m pursuing new goals (specifically, my first raw powerlifting meet) so thought some of you might like to see what I’m doing.
I’ve really only done weightlifting meets up to this point, however, a recent elbow condition has made jerking problematic, so I’ve decided to do a power meet (The 100% Raw Federation’s Regional Championships on April 1, 2012 in Prescott, AZ) as a change of pace
My goal is to total 1209 which would make me a Class I lifter in the open category for a 198 pound lifter. I’m 52 years old so this strikes me as a worthy goal for my first time out.
My deadlift is strong (I did 500 as a 220 athlete last year), squat is OK (I’m planning to hit low 400’s in March) and bench press is an unknown- I’ve never worked it much, and when I have, it wasn’t “legal” with a pause, but last workout I hit 230 so I’m hoping to hit 250-270 in March I think
Training Template
I’m training MWF, with a split that (currently) looks roughly like this:
Power Clean (5x1)
Squat 1x5
Bench Press 3x5
Chins or TRX Rows (Alternating each workout)
Curls (Standing curls or hammer curls)
Snatch/Deadlift (Alternate every Wednesday)
Chins or TRX Rows (Alternating each workout)
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Power Clean (5x1)
Squat 3x5
Bench Press 1x5
Chins or TRX Rows (Alternating each workout)
Curls (Standing curls or hammer curls)
I’m using a Rippetoe-style linear progression until it doesn’t work any more, then I’ll rig up an alternative strategy…probably mutliple singles (Sadiv sets, etc) toward the end of January.
In addition to posting my workouts, I also plan to share insights, helpful resources, etc., along the way.
That’s it for the intro, please chime in if you have questions or comments…