The Latest from Pelosi

She is aware, she knows and is willing to lose house democrats seats if it means ramming the health care through. Well Isn’t that an interesting attitude. The country is against something. Against something to the point they know they will be voted out of a job and they don’t care. They’ll do it anyway.

Once again i pass a vote of “no confidence in the US Government”. It’s been hijacked and they now basically DO WHATEVER THEY WANT.

She has nothing to worry about. Her own seat is safe, since she is firmly entrenched in one of the most liberal districts in the country. Maybe if Karl Marx himself rose from the dead, turned gay, and challenged her, she might lose her seat.

[quote]HG Thrower wrote:
She has nothing to worry about. Her own seat is safe, since she is firmly entrenched in one of the most liberal districts in the country. Maybe if Karl Marx himself rose from the dead, turned gay, and challenged her, she might lose her seat.[/quote]

Well I would have commented, but your said it all.

We are happy to have those seats back in 2010. Thanks Madame Speaker. We’ll put them to much better use unwinding your abuse health and tax bill.

[quote]HG Thrower wrote:
She has nothing to worry about. Her own seat is safe, since she is firmly entrenched in one of the most liberal districts in the country. Maybe if Karl Marx himself rose from the dead, turned gay, and challenged her, she might lose her seat.[/quote]

No kidding, she is beyond loved up in her area.