The Israel / Hamas Conflict

You have a total disregard for human life.

Not true. But for some humans, sure.

I’m not sure I would categorize the goat fuckers who strap mortars to their 7 year olds as “humans” though.

You would do well not to make this personal.

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I don’t want to make it personal. But surely you don’t mean the whole of Palestine. There are 2 million people in Palestine. What you are suggesting is murder 2 million people due to a small minority of granted very evil murderers.

Please tell me I’m mistaken

*and compatriots who do not speak out against - or actively support - the literal terrorist group which occupies their region. Something tells me that a “very small minority” would not fare well if they did not have the support of the 2 million people who surround them.

Let’s say you have an uncle who has some crazy ideas and acts on them. You love him very much, and sympathize with his position, but don’t condone his actions. One day, he gets blown to bits by a drone from someone 6,000 miles away for a proxy war. This would make you, and almost everyone else, very angry.

Now let’s say that your entire community had a bitter resentment for the opposition in this proxy war. Maybe not enough to kill for, but enough to wish ill upon them. Well, they sympathize with you and what you’re going through. Now your local Mosque’s Imam is holding a ceremony and quotes the Quran on any one of the 123 quotes calling for death or violence against infidels.

Do you think you would be so quick to turn the other cheek, or do you think perhaps you would be more inclined to take up arms against the opposition?

If 6,000 years of war in the middle east has taught us anything, it’s that half-measures do not work. Fathers dying for a cause tends to make children who will die for a cause, who will also have children to fight and die for a cause.

Do I want 2 million people just wiped out? No, not necessarily. But I do believe it to be the only way to end this seemingly eternal conflict. “Proportionate retaliation” has never worked.

Does not matter what happens

In the end, Israel wins

I am glad that is not your desired outcome.

Hamas’ estimated funding is $50 million, and that is only what can be tracked - which is likely not much. Biden released 3 billion in Iranian funds about a month prior to the bombing of Israel, so feel free to make of that what you will.

Comparatively, Al Qaeda was estimated to have $30 million in yearly funding. Same difficulties in tracking funds, but IDK if they had a dedicated state sponsor like Hamas has with Iran.

I thought these two to be far apart with regards to funding, but they were much closer together than I imagined. Not exactly arguing - I went on a google spree to find answers as I did not know.

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What I can’t understand is the ideas that there will ever be peace in this region. Literally half the Arab nations have it in their versions of their constitutions or preach it daily to wipe out Israel to the last child. I can’t see any resolution to that kind of hatred coming from the worlds political leaders.
If you look back at the map of Palestine when the UN Partition Plan was created, the borders drawn up by the UN look to have been deliberately created to cause trouble in later years. You don’t have to be a genius to see how stupid the idea was to think two peoples that hated each other could exist with borders like that.

Given enough time and fairer living conditions. They mayl learn to live together. It only takes the minority in power such right wings on either side to destroy this though.
I do not believe the majority of Palestinians would support Hamas’ actions , as they would know there would be terrible consequences for them.

We should not ask for whom the bell tolls…

To understand it

Read and study about Abraham (Abram) and his two sons (Isaac and Ishmael) in the book of Genesis…and then read all the way to Revelations…it’s all there

Ancient scribbling has got us this far. It is a big part of the problem on both sides imo.


Every knee will bow and and will be required to explain himself

hope you have a good explanation

Or better yet, i hope you change your mind

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This is a weird moral superiority thing that religious folks like to do, that has absolutely no impact on the folks who aren’t religious.


not religious here

Just saved and forgiven

and to think this war isn’t a Holy war is pretty nieve

I never said it wasn’t. But at this point, I think religion takes second or third place to other - more recent history.

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I think religion disguises real motivation about what is happening often . I do recognise there are truly pious people too. Try to look at the situation first and foremost without regard to religion .

All i am saying is read the book, even from a hstorical perspective instead of a religious perspective and you will see why what’s happening is happening

When all this started happening a couple weeks ago and people were shocked and jumping to choose sides all I could think was, “are you really surprised this happened”? Like, have you not noticed any of the regions history in the last ~75 years.


Not at all

the more i dig into the scriptures the more convincing it becomes that prophecies are being fulfilled

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Haven’t the majority of people voted to keep Hamas in power since 2006?