I don’t like to jump into these threads because I like hearing what other people have to say and don’t want to dominate the tone of the conversation. But here are my answers.
1.) Pandemic/Zombie
2.) Give me a knife, salt, and a fire. That’s all I’d need for myself. When I was a kid I’d be left out in the woods for the weekend with anything I could fit in a ziplock bag. And I’m half-prepper, so we always have bug out bags, ocean gear, and clothes prepacked - ready to grab. But I’m also a surprisingly sensitive person. So navigating social environments in chaos would be key.
3.) Books, knife roll, (which is one chef knife, one serrated knife, one paring knife, one boning knife, a twelve inch fish knife, one oyster knife, one utility knife, two slotted spoons, two plating spoons because Corey likes to accidentally borrow them in the middle of service, one puree spoon, two ice tea spoons for delicate saucing, a wine key, a pen flashlight, a Bic lighter, probe thermometer, candy thermometer, small plating tweezers, medium offset tweezers, big-ass tweezers, two barbie spats, a first aid kit, orange cough drops.) In a leather or canvas roll, I will MacGyver the shit out of this. I forgot the knife steel. This is your weapon. Or your words would be even better.
4.) Apocalypse happens, first step is to grab what we want, head to a local store that has food, other survivors, and can be defended. Stay there for a month or so since electric plants will fail and food goes bad, but stock up on non-perishables, clothes for the kids predicted growth, find two dogs from a shelter and start training them. Plan for puppies. Steal literally everything from the pharmacy. And seeds from the garden section.
Get a sailboat and find a freshwater lake (like Tahoe, for instance.) Get the other survivors to make a floating pandemic/zombie-proof floating island in the middle. You have fresh uncontaminated water since it’s all sailboats, fish to catch, a community to assist, knowledge to pass on, and when you reach the end, take your books and bury them in a water proof bag, so the next civilization finds them, and pull a johnny Appleseed move and cross the land tossing seeds as wide as possible.