The HeadTryp

While this site is loaded with amazingly informative articles on maintaining and enhancing the body…I think it would benefit us all a bit if we amped up the sharpness of our minds while we’re around on the boards…
This thread is dedicated to the most intense mind fucking riddles and word play…

puts on glasses I’ll start with an easy one.

Suppose I put you in a room…I have not tortured you…actually treated you well. =)

I have given you two doors to choose for exiting because I’m such a nice guy

There are even two gaurds at these doors to assist you with any bags you might have

The only problem is after you exit one of the doors there’s something that WILL kill you…totally out of my control…

Now, you do have some help here as one of the gaurds is a really nice guy as well and only tells the truth…on the other hand, one gaurd likes seeing the murders and shit and lies to all my guests about which door is which

How do you get out…alive?


Is there a constraint on guard questioning? Such as I’m only allowed to ask 1 question of 1 of the guards? Or can I just pose as many questions to both guards as I want until I’m confident that I know which is telling the truth and which is the liar?

EDIT: SPOILER if you don’t wanna know the answer

Ask the guard what the other one would tell you if you asked “which door is right” then do the opposite.

[quote]chimera182 wrote:
Ask the guard what the other one would tell you if you asked “which door is right” then do the opposite.[/quote]
This sounds legit, except for the fact that not enough information was given to be sure. For instance he said one guy will lie, he didn’t say he will ALWAYS lie, so if you do this, the one who is allowed to lie might just be witty and mindfuck you.

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Suppose I put you in a room…I have not tortured you…actually treated you well. =)

I have given you two doors to choose for exiting because I’m such a nice guy

There are even two gaurds at these doors to assist you with any bags you might have

While this site is loaded with amazingly informative articles on maintaining and enhancing the body…I think it would benefit us all a bit if we amped up the sharpness of our minds while we’re around on the boards…

This thread is dedicated to the most intense mind fucking riddles and word play…

puts on glasses I’ll start with an easy one.

The only problem is after you exit one of the doors there’s something that WILL kill you…totally out of my control…

Now, you do have some help here as one of the gaurds is a really nice guy as well and only tells the truth…on the other hand, one gaurd likes seeing the murders and shit and lies to all my guets about which door is which

How do you get out…alive?

D E V O U R T H E M I N D [/quote]

You ask each guard : Which door would the other guard tell me to got through?
I leave you other guys to ponder…

[quote]JLu wrote:

[quote]chimera182 wrote:
Ask the guard what the other one would tell you if you asked “which door is right” then do the opposite.[/quote]
This sounds legit, except for the fact that not enough information was given to be sure. For instance he said one guy will lie, he didn’t say he will ALWAYS lie, so if you do this, the one who is allowed to lie might just be witty and mindfuck you. [/quote]

Damm, just had to ruin my fun like a giant shark attacking a plane.

There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.

Choose either guard. Ask them to escort you to the front door. If they refuse, choose the other exit.

[quote]JLu wrote:

[quote]chimera182 wrote:
Ask the guard what the other one would tell you if you asked “which door is right” then do the opposite.[/quote]
This sounds legit, except for the fact that not enough information was given to be sure. For instance he said one guy will lie, he didn’t say he will ALWAYS lie, so if you do this, the one who is allowed to lie might just be witty and mindfuck you. [/quote]

[quote]JLu wrote:
Is there a constraint on guard questioning? Such as I’m only allowed to ask 1 question of 1 of the guards? Or can I just pose as many questions to both guards as I want until I’m confident that I know which is telling the truth and which is the liar?[/quote]

I think the trick is to ask either guard what the other guard would say if you asked them which door to pick. Then pick the other door.

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

Are they allowed to move in any way? And i’m assuming guessing isn’t the answer. Also, do they know there is a pattern to the hats?

Yes, the answer is to ask one gaurd what the other one will say.

Y’all are on it.

Roybot…that’s awesome.

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

This one will be good. wow…bet its obvious too

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
While this site is loaded with amazingly informative articles on maintaining and enhancing the body…I think it would benefit us all a bit if we amped up the sharpness of our minds while we’re around on the boards…
This thread is dedicated to the most intense mind fucking riddles and word play…

puts on glasses I’ll start with an easy one.

Suppose I put you in a room…I have not tortured you…actually treated you well. =)

I have given you two doors to choose for exiting because I’m such a nice guy

There are even two gaurds at these doors to assist you with any bags you might have

The only problem is after you exit one of the doors there’s something that WILL kill you…totally out of my control…

Now, you do have some help here as one of the gaurds is a really nice guy as well and only tells the truth…on the other hand, one gaurd likes seeing the murders and shit and lies to all my guests about which door is which

How do you get out…alive?

D E V O U R T H E M I N D [/quote]

You mean like this?

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

Prisoner 4, the guard cannot see that he looked at his own hat because no one can see through the wall.

[quote]Brother Chris wrote:

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

Prisoner 4, the guard cannot see that he looked at his own hat because no one can see through the wall.[/quote]

beat me to it, good call my man.

[quote]jahall wrote:

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

Are they allowed to move in any way? And i’m assuming guessing isn’t the answer. Also, do they know there is a pattern to the hats?[/quote]

No. They must stand there all facing the same way. Cannot guess in case they are wrong. They do not know there is a pattern. They only know there are 2 red and 2 black hats in total.

[quote]Brother Chris wrote:

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
There are 4 prisoners and 1 guard. The prisoners are lined up in a straight line as shown (x’s and o’s are prisoners, Y is the guard, and | is a brick wall)

1 2 3 4
x o x | o

The guard tells the 4 prisoners “I placed a hat on each one of your heads. There are 2 black hats, and 2 red hats. If one of you tell me which colour hat you are wearing, I will let you go free”

All prisoners are facing ONE way. They are not allowed to talk, communicate, touch their hats, stray from the line, turn around, signal to each other, look at their own hat, etc. They are only allowed to face the one way (in which the arrow shows). There is a brick wall in between 123 and 4. Noone can see through, over, around, or under the wall.

Here is how the guard placed the hats on the heads of the prisoners (R = red, B = black)

1 2 3 4
R B R | B

Which, if any, prisoner will raise their hand and tell the guard what colour hat they are wearing? They only have one guess, and if they are wrong, they will be shot.[/quote]

Prisoner 4, the guard cannot see that he looked at his own hat because no one can see through the wall.[/quote]

No. Regardless if the guard could not see the 4th prisoner, they are not allowed to remove their hats or move.

In addition: If I say No to an answer, I’m not saying No to the fact that it is not that prisoner, but the reasoning behind it is wrong. Again, I’m not saying that number 4 is the right answer. Should have said this in my first post.

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:
In addition: If I say No to an answer, I’m not saying No to the fact that it is not that prisoner, but the reasoning behind it is wrong. Again, I’m not saying that number 4 is the right answer. Should have said this in my first post.[/quote]

gimmie the answer