[quote]postholedigger wrote:
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Whenever I get a parking ticket, I save the little envelope it comes in. Every once in a while, I’ll put a $20 bill with a post it that says “Just kidding, have a nice day!” in the envelope and stick it under someones windshield wiper.[/quote]
That is pure evil
…and beautiful at the same time.[/quote]
I like to be creative when I can. Plus, it makes me laugh. I’ll have to do it to a car parked on the street in viewing distace from my couch on a day that I’ll be home, now that I think of it. I gotta see some of these reactions.
This blew up on facebook in the last couple of days. Worth watching all the way through.
[quote]quaffloid wrote:
I live in Moore OK and there are way more volunteers to help with the recent damage than needed, there are more people offering their homes to people who lost theirs then they need to house them and businesses are offering 0% loans for storm shelters and home/car repair. The entire city instantly mobilized to help everyone who needs it. The news might focus on assholes but in reality they are less than 1% of the population.[/quote]
KD donated $1 mill just like that. Crazy on how caring the people are down there.
If you want to see some really good stories check out the chive.com. For those that don’t know, it’s a site that posts picture galleries each day. Every now and then they will do a fund raiser for an injured vet or a child with cancer. They often raise tens of thousands of dollars. I remember one time they raised enough to buy a house for a vet that had lost several limbs. The members also do the “pay it forward” thing where they pay for other people dinner or leave very generous tips (think 150%). It always cheers me up especially if I’ve seen the news that day.
[quote]PaddyM wrote:
You double whammied that if you left a good tip for the waitress too (it seems like you would), as I’m sure that mother’s might not have been as much if she is struggling financially.[/quote]
I gave the waitress a 30% tip on both mine and the ladies bill.
I don’t follow wrestling, but I saw that John Cena has done over 300 wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
I don’t follow wrestling, but I saw that John Cena has done over 300 wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Cena is the man, and I dont watch WWE.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
Whenever I get a parking ticket, I save the little envelope it comes in. Every once in a while, I’ll put a $20 bill with a post it that says “Just kidding, have a nice day!” in the envelope and stick it under someones windshield wiper.[/quote]
That is awesome hah!
SS I now spent 30 mins watching WWE videos on YouTube lol!
[quote]Professor X wrote:
That’s why I quit watching tv.
I have a dog that is as smart as some humans.
I am thinking of running him for president.[/quote]
Apparently you may be one of those humans…hopefully your dog can form sentences correctly.
I don’t get it, you’re taking your dog for a run…for the president??
Please advise