The Frontload Chronicles

So I made this thread so that myself and others can share how frontloading worked for us. I decided to make this because it worked great for me and I have had several PM’s from members asking how it worked for me. So without further ado here we go. . .

At first I was going to run 1g of test for 8 weeks, but at Brook’s, Bill Roberts, Dynamo Hum, and several other vets urging I decided to go with a frontload. Sounded a bit iffy but the benefit outweighed the risk IMO. If it didn’t work I would lose 2 weeks worth of gear and if it did work, I would have highly elevated test levels almost immediately and my recovery would be much easier since I would be running it for only 6 weeks.

So here’s how it went:
Did my frontload injection 1500 mgs last Wednesday, it is now Friday, 9 days later and I have already gained 13 lbs. My first weeks gains using this frontload protocol were greater than my entire cycles gains last time around. I highly recommend using a frontload and think everyone should try it.

Anyone else want to chime in? Negative or positive feedback, it all works.

I frontloaded 4weeks ago. 1000mg of test cyp and 500mg of deca plus 50mg of dbol ed. In my first 3 weeks gained over 26lbs. So does it work? Hell yeah it does!!

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
So I made this thread so that myself and others can share how frontloading worked for us. I decided to make this because it worked great for me and I have had several PM’s from members asking how it worked for me. So without further ado here we go. . .

At first I was going to run 1g of test for 8 weeks, but at Brook’s, Bill Roberts, Dynamo Hum, and several other vets urging I decided to go with a frontload. Sounded a bit iffy but the benefit outweighed the risk IMO. If it didn’t work I would lose 2 weeks worth of gear and if it did work, I would have highly elevated test levels almost immediately and my recovery would be much easier since I would be running it for only 6 weeks.

So here’s how it went:
Did my frontload injection 1500 mgs last Wednesday, it is now Friday, 9 days later and I have already gained 13 lbs. My first weeks gains using this frontload protocol were greater than my entire cycles gains last time around. I highly recommend using a frontload and think everyone should try it.

Anyone else want to chime in? Negative or positive feedback, it all works.[/quote]

DAMN HOMIE! 13lbs in 9 days is pretty dang good. lol Is this frontloading with Test E?

[quote]The Phantom wrote:
DAMN HOMIE! 13lbs in 9 days is pretty dang good. lol Is this frontloading with Test E?[/quote]

Yah haha it’s test e. I got on the scale the morning of last wednesday and was 255, decided to weigh myself this morning, I noticed I was looking bigger and fuller, expected I’d gained a few pounds. . .stepped on, 268 lbs lol. I was like OHH FUCK YEAH! lol.

Hopefully the gains keep coming.

Great thread idea! I will be following avidly.

[quote]BUSHMASTER wrote:
I frontloaded 4weeks ago. 1000mg of test cyp and 500mg of deca plus 50mg of dbol ed. In my first 3 weeks gained over 26lbs. So does it work? Hell yeah it does!![/quote]

Maybe I read it wrong, but from the sound of things you frontloaded with 1g of Test C EVERY DAY?! 13,850mgs of androgens for the first week, or did the ED only apply to the D-Bol?

I’m inclined to believe that the ED applied only to the D-Bol, but I have certainly seen much stranger things happen than almost 14g’s of androgen use for a week.

He said he’d lose 2 week’s worth of gear if it didn’t work, and was going to use around a gram a week, so I think the ed only applies to dbol.

[quote]Schmazz wrote:
I frontloaded 4weeks ago. 1000mg of test cyp and 500mg of deca plus 50mg of dbol ed. In my first 3 weeks gained over 26lbs. So does it work? Hell yeah it does!!

Maybe I read it wrong, but from the sound of things you frontloaded with 1g of Test C EVERY DAY?! 13,850mgs of androgens for the first week, or did the ED only apply to the D-Bol?[/quote]

Yes, “50 mg dbol ed” meant 50 mg of Dianabol every day. Not everything else every day.

Well now I just feel stupid…

Well, if not familiar with the term frontloaded and the practice of it, and no one is familiar with everything, it would not necessarily be obvious that it means using a larger injection amount on only the first day. Not a matter of stupidity whatsoever but only of not having a particular piece of information.

You know what the hell they refer to though Bill ,ya srcastic twat dont you?! lol j/k!

‘Frontloading’ is actually notamatter of banging twice the normal dose and carrying on fromthere it should be accurate…
say after 6 weeks a test enanth cycle gives 62 “active” mg of drug in the blood… well you need to inject a specific amount to achieve that level from day one which in this exampkle would actually be a 2x/wk 200mg injection protocol to finally achieve this level and the first jab would need to be 500mg to get 61active mg from day one.

The ONLY way to achieve stable blood levels is injecting daily.

This just gets the peak levels possible from day one of the cycle and i too use it.

I use to work out my cycles but i believe The Fantastios BR has an equation that is as good (it doesnt have to be exact, but it needs to be more accurate than just a guess)

Thats alls i know peeps.


Oh i see what you mean Bill, yes - one could frontload using a larger dose over say 2-7 injects the first week OR more too…

So would front loading only really apply to longer acting esters? Like test e and cyp. It seems I always see it with those, and not with shorter esters like prop.

My thinking would be that prop is already pretty fast acting, no need to front load??


Good question. I was actually just wondering this exact thing.

Also good to see posts be TheBus here. What happened to your previous account, man?

i’m running 500mg test e a week. frontloaded 625 grams on my first pinning on a saturday. subsequently pinned 250mg every tuesday and friday. gained 8 pounds after the first week.

The main case against front-loading is the rise in SHBG right? So it would be to see if the gains continue to come in the weeks after not the results after the first week…

I am for front-loading so I am not positive what the anti front-loading case is exactly lol.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

8 pounds of water and glycogen.


while i’d like to think its all muscle, you’re probably right. heh. still, its effects in the gym and recovery have been awesome!

[quote]TheBus wrote:
So would front loading only really apply to longer acting esters? Like test e and cyp. It seems I always see it with those, and not with shorter esters like prop.

My thinking would be that prop is already pretty fast acting, no need to front load??[/quote]

Well, “need” is a strong term.

But in being useful, yes, it is useful with propionate as well.

Lacking any frontload but simply starting and continuing a given constant injection schedule, it takes several half-lives for levels to build up. There is no exact number as it’s a question of “how close is close enough,” but pharmaceutically the figure of 7 half-lives is often used. In practice three half-lives gets you within shooting distance.

So if propionate’s half-life is 2 days, then at least the first 6 days are kind of lame if failing to frontload, or certainly less than really intended from the dosage level in question.

Does one “need” to avoid having a lame first week? I suppose not, but…

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[quote]dasboi wrote:
i’m running 500mg test e a week. frontloaded 625 grams on my first pinning on a saturday. subsequently pinned 250mg every tuesday and friday. gained 8 pounds after the first week. [/quote]

“625 grams” - Freudian slip??? That is some frontload!! King Kong eat your heart out…