The Facts About Mass Shootings (Article)

[quote]H factor wrote:

[quote]ZEB wrote:

Yes, yes we’ve talked about that. There is no slavery… got it! That truly is a wonderful thing, WONDERFUL!

Now would you like to explain how teen pregnancy, abortion, a larger number of children growing up in one parent households, rising divorce rates, illicit drug usage, more alcoholics, more people killed by alcohol, more child abuse, more school shootings, porn available to 12 year olds with a button click, a continual flow of violent movies, TV and video games, and a fat, sloppy profane arrogant “entitled” populace is a good thing? These are the things that for some reason you’re ignoring. And by the way in 30 years if we trade all of those things for 30 more things that are just as bad or worse we are not progressing!

We took a giant step forward when we ended slavery and we’ve taken many steps back regarding all of the many more problems that we have. And it’s because we are slowly rejecting our basic Christian value system.

Once again, this has nothing to do with anyone’s belief system. It has everything to do with rejecting what has worked over many years.[/quote]

Let’s see how many of these you get wrong.

Teen pregnancy rates at a 40 year low: Teen pregnancy rates hit 40 year low – The Chart - Blogs

Smoking is lower than it has been in a LONG time.

Driving under the influence is down.

Drugs higher than ever? Says who:

Abortion huh?

That’s just the stuff I googled quickly. Like 20 seconds of googling. Didn’t even read any of the crap really. It’s absolutely clear you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about and you’re just ranting and raving. I don’t have time to see if you’re incorrect on the other stuff as well. It’ll just get handwaved away anyways. Who needs proof? EVERYTHING IS WORSE THAN EVER IN THE WORLD GUYS! TRUST ME! Let’s also ignore the fact that it’s probably the best time ever to be a woman or minority in the United States.

Why let that get in the way of some good old fashioned "in my day kids didn’t have iphones! We walked to school uphill both ways.

AND WE LIKED IT. WE LOVED IT!" Lol this place is hilariously bad.

Literally every generation ever has talked about how bad it is now. You guys aren’t special. Your parents thought it. Their parents thought it about them. And so on. If it makes you feel better you guys would be the ones talking about how Elvis was the worst thing ever. And the Beatles. Somehow we survived. Somehow we’ll survive this. Somehow we survived jazz music. Tupac. The Simpsons. Disco. One day I’m sure I’ll point at the kids younger than I am and talk about how horrible everything is and all that. I’ll be having kids in a few years. Maybe I’ll grow up to be that angry guy acting as if we had no problems in the 80’s and 90’s when I grew up like so many want to pretend the 80’s, 70’s, 60’s were. Is it a faulty memory? Something you guys want to believe?

How very atheist of me to question what people are saying as MUST BE true. Pretty sure that’s how we’ve gotten away from some of the complete nonsense the Church has been peddling over time.

Come back from a vacation and the place is as strange as ever :)[/quote]

Most recent example on this site

Nothing wrong with mainstream style, the OP (as well as me) are just getting older so whatever kids do is considered odd.