The Big C

as I heard one of the underclassmen scream while spotting his buddy benching 55 pounds.


you’ve got too much going on to let cancer get in your way. Good luck man.

Wow Renton, I’m really sorry to hear this.

I know you’ll kick its ass, but I wish you a complete and speedy recovery!

p.s. I’ll take some pics once Pushmepullme is done with the outfit. I’m sure that will help.

I hope you have a speedy recovery. We need you to save more kittens and do other awesome work, because the world needs more people like you.

Dude, that’s a tough break but you’ve got the right attitude, go kick some cancer ass.
I don’t have any racy pics to send you, but I’m looking forward to Vader’s.

I know I don’t have to tell you this, but I want to anyway.

Fight this thing with everything you’ve got, don’t fight fair, show no mercy, because this evil twat inside of you certainly isn’t going to take the rules into consideration.

The power of the human spirit can be an amazing thing, and the old saying of never give in, never surrender could do a whole lot of people a whole lot of good if they followed it.

I know I don’t know you, most likely never will, but you seem like a very good person, God knows we need more out there like you.

It’s been a while since i’ve been to Mass, but I am going to make a trip for you this week.

God Bless.

Never give up. Fight dirty if you have to. You have my positive thoughts and private prayers. Remember, hero’s are allowed to get sick!

[quote]dianab wrote:
Dude, that’s a tough break but you’ve got the right attitude, go kick some cancer ass.
I don’t have any racy pics to send you, but I’m looking forward to Vader’s.[/quote]

Vader’s got a great body.

Damn, Renton.

Sorry to hear this. Wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.

ah Renton, I have a new wish in the “24-hours to make a wish” thread.

I adore you and am sending you my best wishes and thoughts

Keep your strength up because I think Tootles is onto a good idea of a squad of us women from here descending on you in our sexy nurses uniforms… and a bottle of Tequila to drink, toast and play Spin the Bottle.

I know you can beat this

Hell no… only the good die young. You’re grade A Bad Ass, sassy as f’ck, and a sweetie too. Come ON, you’re my dream guy! I had a dream about riding in the cockpit of a very crazy fighter jet the other night. True story!

I just got my passport. Haven’t got the nurse outfit, but Heyyy… we could make the oncology area melt with envy! Those chemo IV drips take a couple hours at least. I’m sure you’re not tired, are ya baby?!

I’ve spent plenty of time on that ward with friends & fam. Kick this things TEETH right down its throat, Renton. No doubt in my mind.

Loves, nibbles, happy thoughts, and maybe I could go to Mass as well. Might light the pews on fire as I walk in, but hey… anything for you!

Smile 4 me,


[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
dianab wrote:
Dude, that’s a tough break but you’ve got the right attitude, go kick some cancer ass.
I don’t have any racy pics to send you, but I’m looking forward to Vader’s.

Vader’s got a great body.[/quote]

That’s right. I make that shit WORK!

You’ll be in my prayers.

Don’t worry, me and God are like this crosses fingers.

you will be in my prayers, good luck

Best of luck brother. I swear to fucking god i’ll exert 100000% effort directed your way into squatting a big PR tonight. Even tho I’ve never met you (and even tho ur a filthy pom…;P) I’ll nail that fucker and hope some funky cosmic energy or some shit flies trans atlantic over to the UK to give you a hand. Grrrr.

Godspeed, Renton - you’ll be in my prayers. May you have a speedy recovery… you WILL win this one.

Fuck Renton, that is the exact opposite of what a good man like yourself deserves. I’m sorry to hear that. Well, not really–sorry doesn’t quite express it well enough. But I have confidence you’ll go alywn cosgrove on its ass and beat it.

Keep your head up mate.

I believe in you mate. With your attitude there’s no way something like this could even dream of getting in your way.

Kick the living shit out of it. We’re all pulling for you (so to speak).

Renton, Sorry to hear the news. Lymphoma can be beat. When you feel like shit (and you will), remember that the cancer cells feel worse and smile. Kill the little buggers!

I am going through this with my son right now. We’ve just been told that his first sessions weren’t enough so we’ll do another.

You are the greatest support your family has right now. It might seem strange but they need you more than you need them!

Maybe we can arrange a long-puking competition, but I warn you, My son has trained for a long time.


[quote]TQB wrote:
Renton, Sorry to hear the news. Lymphoma can be beat. When you feel like shit (and you will), remember that the cancer cells feel worse and smile. Kill the little buggers!

I am going through this with my son right now. We’ve just been told that his first sessions weren’t enough so we’ll do another.

You are the greatest support your family has right now. It might seem strange but they need you more than you need them!

Maybe we can arrange a long-puking competition, but I warn you, My son has trained for a long time.



Your son will be in my thoughts too. I wish you guys all the best.

[quote]TQB wrote:
Renton, Sorry to hear the news. Lymphoma can be beat. When you feel like shit (and you will), remember that the cancer cells feel worse and smile. Kill the little buggers!

I am going through this with my son right now. We’ve just been told that his first sessions weren’t enough so we’ll do another.

You are the greatest support your family has right now. It might seem strange but they need you more than you need them!

Maybe we can arrange a long-puking competition, but I warn you, My son has trained for a long time.



Aw, I’m sorry to read that, TQB. You and your son will be in my thoughts.