Hey guys, I’ve just started my cycle of Testosterone Enanthate.
First time I’ve used and worked out in a while.
I’m on my 5th week of jabbing 2ml per/w.
I’ve been bulking and smashing 3 protein shakes a day.
Noticing small gains but nothing remarkable.
I’m going to the gym 3-4 times a per/w.
When should I start noticing serious gains ?
Can you give me any advice of building up faster/better ?
Holy shit 3 protein shakes a day?!?! Dude you should look like Coleman by now, just relax and let the steroids do the work, no reason to eat or train really.
I disagree with eatliftsleep. Eating really helped me personally. I also noticed that the amount I gained was strongly correlated to how much Test I used, in addition to eating more food. Call me crazy, but I noticed a difference much faster using Test P, then using Test E. It seemed like it took the Test E longer to kick in than Test P. Most people gain only 5 pounds the first week, but then the gains come on fast-- Especially if you do a bulk. Have you considered adding Primo?
Also, nothing works like stacking. For example, Plasma and MAG-10 both work well on their own, but if you stack them, they are synergistic and the confluence of these compounds cannot be understated.
No eatsleeplift is right. Really you take juice and get massive. No need to spend 1.5 to 2 hours in the gym everday for years weather or not you are on. Eating right l, hitting the gym everday so hard you want to piss yourself. Na just do a cycle, workout once in a while only while on sauce and and be biggest strongest person on the planet.
Im deffo not an expert but I put on 3kg in the first week of the same cycle (mostly water probably)but continued to gain over the first 3-4 weeks, and strength really kicked in around 5/6
Did you front load?
I was eating like a mad man tho, following big meals with weight gainer shake etc… but was still losing BF… mebbe you need to eat/sleep more
[quote]KeepGrowing wrote:
I disagree with eatliftsleep. Eating really helped me personally. I also noticed that the amount I gained was strongly correlated to how much Test I used, in addition to eating more food. Call me crazy, but I noticed a difference much faster using Test P, then using Test E. It seemed like it took the Test E longer to kick in than Test P. Most people gain only 5 pounds the first week, but then the gains come on fast-- Especially if you do a bulk. Have you considered adding Primo?
Also, nothing works like stacking. For example, Plasma and MAG-10 both work well on their own, but if you stack them, they are synergistic and the confluence of these compounds cannot be understated. [/quote]
Didn’t think I had to clarify this but my post was total sarcasm
[quote]Reed wrote:
What the fuck is going on in this thread… Like seriously what the fuck? To every person involved except ELS what the fuck?[/quote]
I kind of thought mine was kind of clear too.
[quote]Reed wrote:
What the fuck is going on in this thread… Like seriously what the fuck? To every person involved except ELS what the fuck?[/quote]
I kind of thought mine was kind of clear too.
[quote]BossFight wrote:
Hey guys, I’ve just started my cycle of Testosterone Enanthate.
First time I’ve used and worked out in a while.
I’m on my 5th week of jabbing 2ml per/w.
I’ve been bulking and smashing 3 protein shakes a day.
Noticing small gains but nothing remarkable.
I’m going to the gym 3-4 times a per/w.
When should I start noticing serious gains ?
Can you give me any advice of building up faster/better ?
Most guys on this site are serious About this shit and won’t hesitate to bash you for stupid threads even though you think you have a legit question. I’m not going to pick what you said apart every thing you said but you need to do your research and commit completly to what your doing. I’m personally on my first cycle of test e about 6 nd a half weeks in and have already seen nice gains.
You said you haven’t worked out in a while but decided to jump into a cycle which isn’t what you should do to begin with but since u did u should definatly be getting results since you haven’t reached your genetic potential so your either not working out right or eating right or both. And if you are doing everything right you have to high of expectations for a single cycle that your half way thru. Your not going to look like a pro bodybuilder by taking some gear. Probably the best advice you will get on this thread.