[quote]Professor X wrote:
T-Nick wrote:
Sliver wrote:
I’m wondering what’s doing it, and more importantly, what can be done to reverse it. Could it be a sedentary lifestyle that’s becoming more common? Xenoestrogen exposure? Increased alcohol consumption?
I would say that all three are probably the biggest reasons why.
For some reasons I can’t understand why, our nations youth(highschool/college) seem to think that just because your of a certain age means you must binge drink 2-3(or more) days a week. This most certainly is depleting the test.
Xenoextrogen exposure is another biggie. Maybe even the biggest reason why.
And sedentary lifestyle is another huge factor. There are countless of studies that show people from New York City, regardless of race, have on average, a much higher average test level than your average american male. Its pretty obvious why. They lead active, busy lives and get in alot of walking, and have a much lower BF% than people of other areas.
What you just wrote should imply to you that regardless of any environmental estrogens, it can be overcome by simply not living your life like a castrated couch potato. That was what I was getting at. There are many other parts of the country other than New York where men don’t look feminized. That would include most inner city neighborhoods or project areas.
I agree with alot of what you said, but I don’t think people should have to “overcome” something as serious as environmental estrogens. And if the people of New York City are tuff now, imagine what they would be like with an even more ideal, estrogen free environment.
And yea, there are other parts, not just New York. I was just using that as an example because it was taken from a study I read about. My home city of Detroit comes to mind as well.
And its not just estrogen. Stress, drugs/achohol, less than healthy upbringings, food quality, etc. the list is long.