I’ve never had reduced kidney function from testosterone at normal to moderate high levels. Low testosterone is associated with renal disease. How much test are you talking?
So I have kidney issues. As does my father. My dad is diabetic and he was on some variation of Atkins/keto for a long time. My dad’s Dr believes his issues were caused by the high amounts of protein.
I used to take TONS of protein (in the form of a shake) everyday for many years. Its very likely that my issues may be related to the high protein intake.
For those you interested. This is the test result to look for related to kidney disease. I’m hoping that the anavar I was taking is related to this as well. Plus, like I said earlier, high protein intake over may years may have already done the damage
– Have u had any cycle with T (or other AAS) ?
– U keep doing the bloodworkout (eGFR or Creatinine or Cystatine C) ?
Would like to know whether Testosterone injection will decerease renal function or not
As for me : ive never tried anything (but im quite interested) . But im afraid it will destroy my kidney function
(Bcs my dad passed due to diabetic-kidney fail)
–How much protein do u take and for how long before u find out ur kidney in trouble ?
– ever take any AAS ?
–Do u have high blood pressure or high blood sugar level ?
– and how’s ur current bloodwork for the kidney function ?
Currently, I rarely even have a protein shake but 15-20 years ago, there were times I was taking in 300 grams/day in whey protein alone. (Before anybody flames me for my stupidity, you need to remember there weren’t a lot of references for us other than BB mags. T-Mag was brand new. Atkins was all the rage, etc, and nobody ever talked about protein impacts to our kidneys as a topic).
I’ve been on self prescribed TRT for 5 years and on a fucked up Dr prescribed routine for 10 years before that.
Yes, over the last couple of years, my BP has gone up but its being treated now under a Drs care.
BP yes, blood sugar no. I tend to get hypoglycemic not high blood sugar. My father, like yours has diabetes and kidney issues from high protein but he is 86 and he is still up and about.
I cruise at 200 test and 100 mast/week. Blast with anavar.
I’ve done tren twice, adrol, winstrol, and NPP but have not done anything for over a year or more
Probably not. I’m on the covid bulk. My office is also in my kitchen/dining area and both my wife and I are working from home. I’m still hitting the gym regularly but the weight is creeping up and the veins are disappearing.