Testing Anavar for Legitimacy?

What do you guys recommend as far as test kits go, for testing anavar?
My wife is going to give it a try for her first cycle but i want to make sure its legit first. Bought from PPL. Ive ordered from them for years and never got a bunk product, but i know anavar is a higher risk product when it comes to fakes and/or cutting in other shit like dbol or winny.
Right now im looking at getting the winny and anavar test kits from ROIDTEST, but open to other suggestions/recommendations.


roids test. i tried it once on anavar from UGL. the problem was that the pills were colored purple, and the roid-test would also give you a purple positive. how convenient. they also did not ‘feel’ right.
unless your pills are white, you’re out of luck for a home test

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Ha! If the UGL did that on purpose that’s pretty clever

yeah - total BS. but I mean how low IQ do you need to be to throw a purple pill into the test solution, read purple and think ‘awesome i got legit gear’.
reading that a lot of anavar out there is some dbol or other shit. unless you want to send it to some lab like janoshik i would prob stay away from anavar

Just googled janoshik. Whats the timeline like with them? Any other similar sites?

no idea. if you are in the usa, and sending a controlled substance via mail, just make sure there is no return address or anything which can identify you on the envelope lol

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absolutely fucking not. This tells you whether or not anavar is present, not concentration, purity, or if other compounds are there too.

Good choice, but this sounds like we’re being too impatient. Take the time to get it tested properly to keep your wife’s lady parts lady-looking, and her voice feminine. Rushing this is stupid.

Also, if your wife doesn’t already look like she lifts, then she would see better results by adjusting diet and training alone. Even moreso in combination with anabolics. Combine with caffeine and creatine for best results.

What is your plan? How much is she taking and for how long?


We’re not in a rush, im just trying to get an idea of how the process looks. Her diet and training are good. Planning an 8 week cycle. 5mg for the first 4 weeks, since this would be her first ever cycle, just to make sure she doesnt get any serious sides. The remaining 4 weeks at 10mg if there are no issues.

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not advertising for roid-test, but it has approximate level detection in the new tests. just got a ad e-mail from them llol. janoshik won’t test for impurities either. there is no such easy to do test unless you pay a lot for some specialized labs
image below snippet from roid-test. not sure if they do have the concentration level for anavar

FYI, i went with Janoshik and they confirmed the anavar I got was legit. Ordered 10mg pills and they tested at 10.02 mg with no other common compounds detected.