Testicle Retraction Issues on TRT

A few years into TRT now, and things are good. I’ve been on 1000iu hCG per week as well.

However, I am starting to experience discomfort in my testicles when I am having sex or masturbating. Specifically, they retract into my body. Usually it’s just a bit uncomfortable, but sometimes they get stuck in a retracted position for a bit, and I have to I awkwardly squat and push until they descend again. It’s painful and uncomfortable. Last night after I ejaculated, one of them was stuck up there for a minute until I was able to pop it back down, and it felt absolutely terrible.

Even on 1000iu hCG, my testicles have shrunk and are often soft. But I’m more or less OK with that.

This issue of them sucking into my body…this is more troubling. It’s very uncomfortable, and makes sex and masturbating suck sometimes.

I’m guessing there’s nothing I can do about this. Grand scheme of things, the upsides of TRT are worth it, but if there was any way to address this, I would love to hear about it. I’m worried that sooner or later, one of my testicles will get stuck in an undescended position.

If you’re primary there isn’t much you can do about testicle shrinkage. If you’re injecting 1000iu all at once this would explain testicles shrinkage, the half life of HCG is 24-36 hours. There are some guys who just don’t respond to HCG for one reason or another while on TRT.

High estrogen always shrinks up my testicles when on TRT.

Actually not primary, my testicles were “fine” before TRT. I had sorta low total T, and high shbg. That’s why I got on.

And I’m doing 500iu 2x per week, not 1000iu at once. I wonder though given that half life if I should try 3X per week with hCG?

I also am running estrogen a tad high, 26.7pg/mL (range 8-35). I’ve never messed with any AIs but that could be something to consider if this gets worse.

See a urologist. It’s very, very, very likely no big deal and just a reflex/muscle contraction, but the fact that it only recently started happening is the thing that caught my attention. Get them checked out and make sure the boys are in good shape.

It’s worth a try.

Doubt it, guys do fine with testicular atrophy with 350IU twice a week. Your inguinal canal may be anomalous, not that you could do anything about it.

An aromatase inhibitor won’t help in your situation.

Got it. I know it’s BS to self assess this but I am guessing it’s not an estrogen thing but some congenital aspect of my testicles.

That’s a good point. I did notice a bit of pull up in the first year or so, but it’s only recently gotten more pronounced, so that’s a good call to have a urologist take a look.

For what it’s worth, it feels like a muscle contraction.