Test to Deca Ratio

Deca/ Test Cyp cycle

Ive got enough test to taper. My guy says 5:2 test:deca ratio. Ive heard 5:3 and 5:1…

21 yrs old, 6’1’’ 219…

ur thoughts please.

So what doses were you going to run the cyp and deca at? What’s your PCT look like?

If you want a critique or opinions then you have to include the entire cycle you’re planning.

And only 21? Ehhhhhhhhh

ayo, i had a specific q about the test:deca ratio…which was answered by my man bushy…and i dont HAVE to do anything so chill… are there like specific rules u have to follow?? sorry must have missed that class.

I just figured you’d wanted a cycle critique since you included which compounds you were running, your age and stats. My mistake.

Since you’re in other threads recommending people run 200mg/wk of test E for 8 weeks though, I’m sure your cycle looks like shit :slight_smile:


I don’t believe it is a ratio issue. Rather it’s a question of each compound has its own side effects which aren’t blocked by the other compound. Deca may start giving you mood problems (probably by progestagenic effect) at doses of 400 mg/week as an average figure, or 200 mg/week if more sensitive. This typically will limit the amount of Deca used but not because of ratio, but because of absolute amount.

Similarly, in absence of an antiestrogen, only a given amount of testosterone will be tolerable for some individuals. Being able to take 500 mg/week without gyno isn’t unusual but for many this is pushing it; others can’t take 250 mg/week without gyno if not using antiestrogens. So the amount of testosterone again can be a limit, but not on account of its ratio with Deca.

Another reason to limit T could be effect of DHT if finasteride isn’t used.

This last one is the only area in which to some extent there could be a “ratio” effect. I expect that presence of nandrolone to some extent moderates conversion of T to DHT. But basically I would still not think in terms of ratio: I would look at it in terms of how much Deca is the most that feels good to me, and then next, how much T can I in my individual case, or another in his individual case, use without problems while using that much Deca.

very much appreciated

I gotta go with Bill on this one. First Test Deca combo was 500/300. No Deca Dick no problems. Second time was 750/450 which of course is the same ratio but the shutdown was noticeable, even with proviron. Would more Test have helped? 1000/450? I don’t know.

[quote]sapasion wrote:
I gotta go with Bill on this one. First Test Deca combo was 500/300. No Deca Dick no problems. Second time was 750/450 which of course is the same ratio but the shutdown was noticeable, even with proviron. Would more Test have helped? 1000/450? I don’t know.[/quote]

Glad to see you are posting here again, sapasion. I used to enjoy your posts when I was more of a lurker to this forum a while back.


[quote]Cortes wrote:

Glad to see you are posting here again, sapasion. I used to enjoy your posts when I was more of a lurker to this forum a while back.


Word, and those APA vials make me long for the old days! :frowning:

Im currently running 400wkdeca 500wk of test and its all good no deca dick at all. I actually cant get rid of my wood. Its only my third week though. I will be upping my test to 600wk next shot.

[quote]Diana Bolann wrote:
Cortes wrote:

Glad to see you are posting here again, sapasion. I used to enjoy your posts when I was more of a lurker to this forum a while back.


Word, and those APA vials make me long for the old days! :([/quote]

Glad to be back my friends. Yeah my avatar picture is staying… ah the good ole days