I am thinking of running a short TNE cycle… 4-6 weeks depending on how it feels or how much i react negatively.
I would be looking at 50mg a day, split into 2x25mg shots AM/PM.
So for a total of 350mg a week… thinking of just running susp. the first time, then maybe adding different things if i like it - possibly a boldenone no-ester for more of an anabolic component… and orals of course.
I am thinking it could really blow me up in a short space of time… maybe as a kickstart to a prop cycle… hmm…
Has anyone had and decent experience with TNE? length of treatment? results? gyno? aggression? strength?
Dose is too low, for some reason people feel test suspension is somehow magical…you really won’t see much difference on a per dose basis between suspension and prop. You will injuect twice as often, have alot more site irritation, and have basically the same outcome. That being said 100mg per day would be the minimum i would use, and personally i don’t split am pm but you can do that…there are a few micronized suspensions out there that can be shot thru a 29 gage which minimizes trauma.
[quote]morepain wrote:
Dose is too low, for some reason people feel test suspension is somehow magical…you really won’t see much difference on a per dose basis between suspension and prop. You will injuect twice as often, have alot more site irritation, and have basically the same outcome. That being said 100mg per day would be the minimum i would use, and personally i don’t split am pm but you can do that…there are a few micronized suspensions out there that can be shot thru a 29 gage which minimizes trauma. [/quote]
Really? I thought that with the lack of ester…
I take it you have done Susp and Prop both a number of times… i hope you wont mind just answering a couple of questions on TNE. What are the differences - if any would you say? I know what they are on paper, but what in your experience is the difference? Is the gyno that quick to present? IS the aggression that much more pronounced? And the water?
(i am aware that test is test, it is just the onset of said sides that are the differences between esters - or no esters)
I have ran 750mg cyp this cycle and next time i will probably be dropping down to 500-600mg… plus whatever. With that in mind, (for me) isnt 350mg of susp a much more realistic dose? or maybe 525mg as a ‘compromise’? lol!
700mg seems alot, seeing as with cyp @ 700mg i am only getting like 550 or so…
you will have much less water retention on suspension, contrary to popular belief. Your dose may indeed be adequate since you are still gaining on moderate doses. When i was still using i typically never took less than 1000mg of test per week then usually deca or eq at 400-600 and then threw in dbol off and on in 4 week intervals at 50 mg daily.
Pretty much followed that protocol for many years. Occasionally i would use something else (suspension, tren, etc) but those were my bread and butter drugs. I never had gyno issues at all, not even when taking 3-4 grams a week, i think you are either prone to it or your not. Truthfully i rarely used any anti aromatase or estrogen blockers of any type and never once had an issue.
It may be of interest for you just to experiment with the suspension, but to answer your question, no, you won’t notice much difference between that and a similar dose of prop.
another thing some people notice is their body reacts harshly to water based suspensions due to it being particulate in nature, site irritation and fever often ensues as your body attempts to “fight off the invading substance”
i also am starting to find my drugs of choice, and am settling with a similar trio… a test, an anabolic and an oral… i dont think much else is ever needed for gaining purposes.
[quote]morepain wrote:
another thing some people notice is their body reacts harshly to water based suspensions due to it being particulate in nature, site irritation and fever often ensues as your body attempts to “fight off the invading substance”[/quote]
Well i have used winstrol, and never had a problem with that (other than the soreness that comes as standard) - so i hope that means i may be ok in that regard.
you are exactly right, although sometimes it can be fun just for the sake of experimenting, but in the end you always end up back at what works a good test base, a supporting anabolic, and an oral cycled in and out. There really is no magic combination. best of luck to you
[quote]morepain wrote:
I never had gyno issues at all, not even when taking 3-4 grams a week, i think you are either prone to it or your not. Truthfully i rarely used any anti aromatase or estrogen blockers of any type and never once had an issue.
My thoughts exactly. I’ve never used 3 grams or even 2 grams of product a week but on around a gram and half last cycle I didn’t ever touch my anastrozole.
BTW, seems like you’ve come out of retirement lately Professor Emeritus
Also JJ is your Suspension thinking for when you get done with your cuurent Test/EQ run?
[quote]saps wrote:
morepain wrote:
I never had gyno issues at all, not even when taking 3-4 grams a week, i think you are either prone to it or your not. Truthfully i rarely used any anti aromatase or estrogen blockers of any type and never once had an issue.
My thoughts exactly. I’ve never used 3 grams or even 2 grams of product a week but on around a gram and half last cycle I didn’t ever touch my anastrozole.
BTW, seems like you’ve come out of retirement lately Professor Emeritus
Well istill look out for threads that are interesting to me, and where i can provide some input that is useful.
See… thats what is confusing, depending on who you speak to - the water is different. It seems to be thet the shorter the ester, the less water is retained… test cyp → prop, Nandro Deca → NPP, Primobolan Enanthate → Acetate, etc…
But get this… Morepain suggested that he has so far never had to worry about gyno… so maybe he doesnt have as much affinity for converting test to estrogen via aromatase as some, so is unlikely to hold as much water.
I happen to know that da judge is highly susceptable to aromatase and gyno - and hey presto, he suffers from extreme bloat from Suspension…
There could be something in that IMO.
thanks for your input judge - by the way, any nandrolone and any test is a great size stack IMO
exactly thats the whole point…if you are not susceptible you really don’t have to worry about it much. then again there are guys that get gyno from HRT doses. As far as bloat its not the suspension, its the deca causing the bloat, we often use suspension right up to a contest due to the fact that it DOES NOT cause heavy water retention. Drop long acting esters about six weeks out and switch to tren, susp, winny right up to the show.
I agree with morepain’s assesment. I have used suspension quite a bit in the past and had no different sides than tes prop. Not much water retention, a little gyno aggrivation at high doses and not much strength gains(I never gain much strength on anything, just size), no extra aggression, and good size gains.
I think it probably works about the same as prop mg per mg because although there is slightly more actual test, your blood levels are not as constant. For awhile I was doing 700mg/wk shooting three times per day including site injections post workout to see if that whole thing about estherless gear and site enhancement was true. I thought it was, but it was probably just swelling.
I got great gains but also got those fever feelings MP was talking about. Unless you are competing or using it for the cheap powder price and extreme ease of manufacture at home, I wouldn’t recommend it over other test although I did kind of like the injections and the soreness. You can tell yourself you are “hardcore”. That sounded stupid.