Test Suppression

How bad would the testosterone suppression be with a stack of Primo and Anavar for 4 weeks. The dosage would be for a 200lb male running 25mg Primo/day and 30mg Anavar.

PCT would include Nolvadex at 30mg a day for 3 weeks and 1,000iu Vitamin E a day for 2 weeks.

Both are mild steroids so I was wondering what your thoughts would be about the test suppression and if it could be offset with supplements. If the suppression would be pronounced I would include Test Cypionate.

Meant that if those two stacked together would make it all but impossible to get some wood then the test would be added in.

Attempting to stay away from test as he is prone to gyno.

Can someone enlighten me on why anyone would use Nolvadex in a cycle consisting of two compounds that doesn’t aromatize?

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
CrewPierce wrote:
If the suppression would be pronounced I would include Test Cypionate.

Not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that if he’s gonna be suppressed anyway, then fuggit, you might as well go the whole hog and add in some test?


Agreed, first a 4 week cycle as described is going to be next to worthless, second you will get some degree of suppression regardless so you may as well just do a real cycle with good PCT (i personally have become a convert to P-22’s test taper method) and be done with it.

Ok first off let me say my bad for not supplying enough background information. The information I posted was for my workout partner John, who is not a posting member…yet (I’m working on it). He has hit a frustrating wall with his training and is looking to break through it. I have since broken through mine by switching to DB’s but that didn’t work for him.

He has done a cycle of prohormones and had a case of gyno as a result ( I know I know steroids and prohormones are nothing alike but try telling that to someone who has had sore and puffy nips!) and so he does not want to mess with test.

I suppose he threw in there the nova. to be on the safe said, answering the guy?s questions to why it was added in there with two steroids that do not convert.

OK so far I got a partial answer to my question that yes it will suppress some, but to anyone with any first hand experience with this how bad was it?

I know some of you will attack me saying "yes ok it?s for your ‘friend’ " rather than actually answer the question. You can believe it or not, I could care less. Also, I know we will have some answers saying to do some research; well he has enough to found two steroids that won?t convert and will cause a mild increase in strength which is all he is looking for.

I hope that clears some things up and we can get some feedback!


There will probably be only minimal suppression, but the point is at those doses of those compounds for that amount of time there will also be minimal to no results. Why bother? If he wishes to stay safe he would be better off just using Alpha Male as suggested above it is going to give a minimal boost but he can stay on it indefinetley.

Or again simply design a worthwhile cycle with proper auxiliary compounds if needed. One other thing i have seen guys have trouble with prohormones and then no problems at all with real gear. Most of the “legal” stuff is more harmful than a nice cycle of test.

Yea true that, I have an extra bottle of Alpha Male so I’ll see if I can get him to try it. It should be fairly easy since he knows I have done about 3 bottles of it now. Thanks for some good input!