5 days after my test shot, switched to test e, is this just a bad reaction, should I go see a doctor asap?
5 days after my test shot, switched to test e, is this just a bad reaction, should I go see a doctor asap?
I would. It could turn into an abscess. What concentration did you pin? Why are you taking test in then first place?
Also where were you trying to pin? That redness/swelling looks lower than your delt.
And this:
Making assumptions but you body wise you look very young?
Looks like you missed the mark dude. Where are you trying to pin?
How old are you?
From the obscure angle of the pics it’s hard to see your physique but to me it looks like you have very minimal muscle on your frame.
Why are you using gear?
I’m 25c, have low t that’s why I hopped on it, I have a nurse sister who shot me in the correct place it’s just swollen below the shot.
Talk about having the cart before the horse. OP looks like he has the cart and sitting on the cart, but hasn’t yet got a horse at all.
Or… he has no interest in lifting weights and is using TRT for health reasons and he knows there is plenty of knowledge here in T-Nation. That seems likely considering the pics. A visit to a doctor is prudent at this point. No one wants to allow an infection to get the upper hand.
My questions are:
How many injections has OP given himself?
Did OP get prescribed testosterone from a physician?
Can you ask her what she thinks? I had that happen in my shoulder and it turned into an abscess that has to be drained. Hard to diagnose from a photo, but you may need some antibiotics to prevent and abscess. Then again it may just be a reaction to the carrier oil or PIP.
She doesn’t think it’s infected, I’m at the urgent care right now, I took antibiotics last night and it went down but now it’s starting to hurt again, let’s see what the doctor says.
She says it’s just a bad reaction to the shot, I just want to make sure
I had my sister (whose a rn) do all of my shots, she poked me in the correct spot, i just never took this much 450mg in one shot. I usually take 200mg per week, first time on test e and it’s 450gm per ML, didn’t do the correct dosage. Doctor said it’s not infected, gave me antibiotics and said it’s prob just sitting in one spot to try and ice and massage it to move the medicine around.
Okay that first bit was hilarious, and yes I still have more muscle to build, but I do workout, i train jiujitsu mainly, just joined a real fitness gym to gain more muscle mass. I hopped on because I was diagnosed with low t at 19 I’m 24 now and was feeling terrible up until I started taking trt. Everything has been amazing despite this. If I could show you before and after pics of just two months on trt you would see a big difference in my physical form
You need to get a different source. Thats your problem. Its too concentrated. Thats going to happen again. Find Test C at 200mg/ml
This right here.
It must have a horribly high level of solvent.
What does the bottle say in terms of BA or BB?