There are two ways to get over your fear of needles.
One: If it is possible, have someone close to you stick you the first time (of course make sure both of you know what you are doing!). I’m not afraid of needles but I still found the first time I injected I just about couldn’t do it. Took me a full couple of minutes until I finally had to just make myself count to 3 and stick it in. If you can have a friend or partner do it, they won’t have the same apprehension. When they do put the needle in, make sure and think about how it feels. I think you’ll find that you are surprised at how much you were blowing things out of proportion. From this first step, you can move on to injecting yourself.
Two: Mind over matter is real, and it can be used. It is taught by strength and life coaches the world over to get their clients to perform. You don’t need a coach, though. The subconscious mind controls your every action, and the great news is that you can literally program the subconscious using your conscious mind. What you should do is take about 10 minutes out of ever day for a couple of weeks before your first injection (you can start as early as you want, of course) and lay down in your bed or sit in a comfortable chair and then physically relax yourself.
There are a number of ways to do this, but a simple way is to forcibly contract and then consciously release and relax your muscles in small groups starting at your head and working down to your toes. Flex hard and then say ‘relax’ as you release each muscle group. You’ll find that by the time you reach your toes you are in a very relaxed (and therefore suggestible) state. Now, for the next ten minutes, you want to vividly imagine every moment of your injection experience in the best light possible.
Imagine yourself working through the steps confidently, like a veteran. When you get to the actual ‘sticking point’ (haha), you should imagine your putting the needle in with no hesitation, and the needle sliding in smoothly and painlessly, you smiling happily as it goes it. You can even imagine your muscles spontaneously enlarging as the needle goes in, because this will add emotion, excitement, and positive reinforcement to the programming, and it will work all the better.
I promise you, if you will try this every day for 2 weeks prior to your first injection, you will never have another problem shooting for the rest of your life.
And, by the way, this method works with ANYTHING that you have trouble or fear with in your life.
Good luck.