Test Enth + Freezing Cold Weather = ?

Have a question that I cant seem to find an answer for. I live in a cold climate, I am just getting over two weeks of Negative fifty degrees Fahrenheit . Will subjecting my gear, mainly my Test E, to the cold be bad for it?

I believe cold temps can cause the test to come out of suspension.

I stand corrected :slight_smile:

[quote]Crazy Vinnie wrote:
Have a question that I cant seem to find an answer for. I live in a cold climate, I am just getting over two weeks of Negative fifty degrees Fahrenheit . Will subjecting my gear, mainly my Test E, to the cold be bad for it?[/quote]

Negative 50?!?!? Holy shit man, haha!

Well this would spark another question then. Could you not freeze your oils in a deep freeze for long term storage?

Then heat them back up slowly?

50 below u live in ak

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Bakuhatsu wrote:
I believe cold temps can cause the test to come out of suspension.

Solution, not suspension, lol.

Cold weather will make the oil more viscous and will reduce the solubility too.

However, once you warm the vial up to room temp, if it looks fine, i.e. it’s not cloudy or has crystals in it, it should be fine to use.

If you warm it up and it is cloudy, or has crystals, then simply immerse the vial in hot water for 20 minutes or so, swirling it occassionally, to re-dissolve the hormone.


The same thing happened to me. My test-C was subjected to -26 weather. I simply wrapped the vial in a towel soaked in hot water. The oil returned to nomal state.

[quote]dirtbag wrote:
Well this would spark another question then. Could you not freeze your oils in a deep freeze for long term storage?

Then heat them back up slowly?[/quote]

Since a given vial of AAS will generally keep for around 5 years or even longer, I can see of no reason ever to do this unless you plan on being put into a cryogenic state and all of your sources will be dead when you are finally unfrozen.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
dirtbag wrote:
Well this would spark another question then. Could you not freeze your oils in a deep freeze for long term storage?

Then heat them back up slowly?

Since a given vial of AAS will generally keep for around 5 years or even longer, I can see of no reason ever to do this unless you plan on being put into a cryogenic state and all of your sources will be dead when you are finally unfrozen. [/quote]

I would not recommend this at all. That is exactly how Austin Powers’ “mojo” was stolen. It is toooo risky IMO. He should have locked his stash up.

Where are you?? It’s -27 here in Ottawa

sure glad yesterday was 80

Funny stuff guys…

I never knew that it would keep for 5 years. That is freek’n nutz.

[quote]VibeAlive wrote:
Where are you?? It’s -27 here in Ottawa[/quote]

same place as you :wink:

why not pre-heat it prior to use, or keep it in the =systern>