Test Enanthate 300

Going to start doing a cycle of Test E 300… thinking about pinin every 3 days .5… What approximate MG/week would i be at and is this a good agenda to keep? I was doing .5 Sus 300 every 4 days but the pip was too much…and beanbag sized lump after every pin… my buddy had some E i tried and 0 discomfort

300mg/ml, you’re injecting 0.5ml, so 150mg, and you’re doing that every 3 days (so 50mg a day equivalent) - 350mg per week. It would be a considered a sensible place to start a beginner cycle, on the more conservative end.

My caution is that you can’t work out how much you’re taking, but you’ve already started, have you done enough research? Do you have blood work from before you started? Do you have a SERM and or AI on hand, are you doing PCT or planning B&C and if PCT what’s your plan?

What are your stats? (Age, years lifting experience, current estimate BF), what are you hoping to achieve by using drugs? What’s your diet like?

Worth having the answers before you start, but since you’ve already started worth making sure you’re maximising rewards and minimising risks.

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Really hard to give any advice with the info you provided.
AAS Experience?
Plan after cycle?

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bust out the chalk board

injecting every 3 days in a 365 day year means 121.67 injections per year. each injection is 150mg, so that’s 18,250mg in a year. 52 weeks per year, so that’s 351mg per week on average.

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