Test E Win Oral Cycle

Greetings fellow bro’s. Wanted to get yall’s brutal, but honest opinion about a cycle I had in mind. The search button results began to confuse me.

I’m 26, 6’2, 254 lbs, 22ish% BF, and I’ve been working out since I was 14. Played some D1 football for a while down in Texas, but had a back injury that set me back a bit. Did some strong man, and now I was thinking about getting back on some gear. I’ve ran two cycles in my life, One being straight test E 500mg 2x a week for 10 weeks with Adex .25mg EOD and Nolva 40mg ED for 2 weeks, then 20mg ED for 2 weeks. The other being test along with dbol, pretty much the same pct for the second cycle and I didn’t like the results. Seemed to have a little bit of gyno issues.

Bench: 405
Squat: 515
Deadlift: 595
Clean: 325

330g protein a day
3200 calories
600g carbs
90g fats

I’ve been thinking of throwing Winny in the mix with another cycle of Test for a little bit leaner gains but the more research I do on pct’s the more i get confused and seem to find conflicting information. Tried figuring it out on my own with Furious George’s sticky, but no luck.

I was hoping to run a cycle like this. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Test E: 1-12 weeks 500mg a week (might frontload it, bringing it to 10 weeks, not sure yet)

Winny: 10-14 weeks 50mg ED

Adex: .25MG ED

14-19 Nolvadex 40, 20, 20, 20, 20 mg
12-15 Clomid 50 mg

any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

[quote]Moose 080404 wrote:
Greetings fellow bro’s. Wanted to get yall’s brutal, but honest opinion about a cycle I had in mind. The search button results began to confuse me.

I’m 26, 6’2, 254 lbs, 22ish% BF, and I’ve been working out since I was 14. Played some D1 football for a while down in Texas, but had a back injury that set me back a bit. Did some strong man, and now I was thinking about getting back on some gear. I’ve ran two cycles in my life, One being straight test E 500mg 2x a week for 10 weeks with Adex .25mg EOD and Nolva 40mg ED for 2 weeks, then 20mg ED for 2 weeks. The other being test along with dbol, pretty much the same pct for the second cycle and I didn’t like the results. Seemed to have a little bit of gyno issues.

Bench: 405
Squat: 515
Deadlift: 595
Clean: 325

330g protein a day
3200 calories
600g carbs
90g fats

I’ve been thinking of throwing Winny in the mix with another cycle of Test for a little bit leaner gains but the more research I do on pct’s the more i get confused and seem to find conflicting information. Tried figuring it out on my own with Furious George’s sticky, but no luck.

I was hoping to run a cycle like this. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Test E: 1-12 weeks 500mg a week (might frontload it, bringing it to 10 weeks, not sure yet)

Winny: 10-14 weeks 50mg ED

Adex: .25MG ED

14-19 Nolvadex 40, 20, 20, 20, 20 mg
12-15 Clomid 50 mg

any thoughts, comments, suggestions?


I would think that the PCT would be for the test only so nothing should change there. Don’t need PCT for the winny. I always used a couple weeks of HCG in the beginning to get things operating again. Sounds good to me. Good luck.

Ok, good deal. I appreciate your input my friend.