Hi Guys,
I have signed up to here and I am looking on some advice for my next cycle. Basically I doing my first comp in April and am looking to run a longer than normal cycle which I know isn’t going to be ideal but it’s what I am willing to do. This is my plan.
Test e 500mg 1-16
Tren e 180mg 1-10
T3 1 tab e/d 1-12
Clen week on week off 10-16
Winny week 10-16
I am unsure on how to dose my clen and winny as never used them before and also have been told to bring in tamoxifen from week 10/12 through to the end
I have hcg as my pct as been told it’s needed when doing a tren cycle
Have arimidex on hand
This is my 3rd cycle
I know this is probably going to get a lot of negative response as everyone gets it but I would prefer advice rather than just criticism. Please give your thoughts
Also if any of you know any good prep coaches in UK I have been looking to try and find one but unsure on who still