Hello all.
Quick background, early 40’s, been lifting serious for 20+ years. Have run a few cycles in the past 5-6 years. On TRT 5 years now, so PCT is not an issue.
So. I am currently out of the US, in a country where gear is…perhaps legal, perhaps just overlooked. Honestly not sure, but I digress. I purchased several items for a cycle I had planned, and am getting ready to start in about a week or so. The list:
primo - high dose, staple of most of my cycles
test - obviously
turinabol - fave oral, recently tried dbol for the first time in years and didn’t like the BP changes (never tested it, but could feel it in my face)
tren ace - was planning on running a short blast of tren at the beginning of the cycle, following with tbol
cardarine - to counteract the cardio issues associated with tren
Brought a LabMax kit with me, and it turns out the tren isn’t tren - apparently it is masteron. A little disappointed, but whatevs. Also, labmax’d the primo. It’s legit.
Also, for various reasons I won’t get into, I am planning for two different eventualities, meaning either an 8 week cycle or a 10 week cycle. Unfortunately won’t know which until after I have started.
So, my current plan is thus:
Test E - 250mg/week throughout
Primo - 700 or 800mg/week throughout(haven’t decided which yet) - injections 200-230mg EOD (depending on which dosage I choose - leaning on 800)
TBol - 50mg/day weeks 1-4 or 5
Mast - 76 or 100mg EOD either weeks 2-8 or weeks 4 - 10 (obviously depends on schedule)
cardarine - 20mg/day throughout
Reason for two different possible doses on the mast: the packaging for the ‘tren ace’ has it dosed at 76mg/ml. This had me worried it was a parabolan knockoff rather than ace, since that is the only tren product I have seen dosed at 76mg (which is why I brought the labmax kit to confirm). So, knowing now that it is mast, I’m figuring the packaging was completely wrong including concentration, meaning it is actually 100mg/ml (I’m hoping). It may turn out it is dosed lower, but I don’t think I’ll know for sure. From what I understand, mast is one of those you don’t see a huge difference from unless you are super low BF. I’m guessing I’m around 15%, but not sure. I am losing bodyfat right now, since I have been almost completely carnivore for the last week - aside from some OJ with breakfast and an apple and banana a couple days ago. Anyways, I’m rambling again.
Goal for this is to gain back strength and muscle I lost during this corona lockdown bullshit, and hopefully continue to drop some BF. So basically a recomp with some weight gain - I was 225 before all this, don’t know where I am now but I’m guessing I’ve dropped some weight. I would like to get back to that. I don’t have access to a scale for another week, but that will allow me to assess my starting point. Also work on conditioning, it’s been lacking a little recently. Was making some progress since I couldn’t do much other than run during this hysteria, but then was super busy the last couple weeks prior to leaving so I was unable to even run.
Anyways. Any suggestions? I’m running what I have, so don’t bother telling me to run something not on the list. Basically looking for any issues people see. Also, if you have experience with mast, I’d love to hear some ideas as to what to expect.