I’ve not pinned in a few years, and I went 1ml of Test-E in the quad and I have to say the pain is excruciating. I went through all the pre-pin protocols, warmed it, swabbed it, injected slowly at 90 degrees. No blood on aspiration, just a little once removing the pin.
Is this normal. There is no redness or anything that might point to an infection, is it just virgin site pain?
Any thoughts to clear this up would be appreciated.
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Virgin muscles always hurt first time.
What size needle? Make sure when you removed needle you are steady. Any movement can cause crazy pain later.
Have you considered delt shots? I find delts to be even less painful than glutes. Would never inject quads though, those are downright PAINNNNNNful.[/quote]
Thanks man - I’m due for shot2 today, so I believe its delt time. I can deal with delt pain a lot more than quad.
[quote]nooberific wrote:
Virgin muscles always hurt first time.
What size needle? Make sure when you removed needle you are steady. Any movement can cause crazy pain later.
Have you considered delt shots? I find delts to be even less painful than glutes. Would never inject quads though, those are downright PAINNNNNNful.[/quote]
Good call man - just pinned the delt, much easier and no pain at all. Then massaged the area.
Bro I don’t pin quads anymore. that shit hurts. there’s too much room for error, esp if you hit an artery. Stick to Delts, Glutes and Lats.
If it still hurts after a few days grab yourself an electric blanket or heating pad and put that on the quad. Then put some icy hot on it. Increased blood flow to the area will get rid of any crystalizing stuff happening. Don’t Ice it. Apply heat.
after you pin, I find jumping in the shower immediately, covering the area in hot water while gently massaging the injection site helps.
Also when I pin, I take my non syringe-holding hand and grip the muscle area tight where I’m injecting the needle. I find this makes the needle entering my body painless. Maybe it helps prevent PIP? Not sure.
Lastly, If you’re not pinning pharma, consider switching UGLs. Maybe you’re pinning shit gear
I’ve pinned Test-E using various different vials and every time I experienced pain about a day after the shot. I came to the conclusion its that particular Test. I switched to Test-Cyp and never had pain again in all the same injection locations; quads and glutes. Do you have an option to switch to Cypionate?