Test E Fatigue

Hi im just looking for some help please if possible.

32 year old male, 87kg 12%bf

Started 200mg p/wk CRS Test E 1ml jabbed every Monday with abit of winstrol here and there

Got aromasin to hand and I’ve been dosing X2 half tabs totalling .12.5 each spread out twice a week so I get .25 in total.

I’m 5 weeks into cycle and just introduced HCG at 1000 as I’ve this last week started to feel really lathargic and almost have 0 libido…

Is 200mg enough to warrant the use of the ai? Or do you think I’m tanking myself considering now I’m getting 0 random boners

Also have caber to hand as I’ve ran tren before but this was a year ago .

Like I say everything has been fine until the last week… should I up the test e to 400mg p/week and see how I get on? And only use aromasin if sides present themselves?

You crash your e2 with ai at that low test dosage… that’s why your sexdrive is gone.
Skip the aromasin and you’ll be good in a few days :slight_smile: go for 2 more weeks and bump up the test to 150mg twice a week if you feel that you need more.
After a few years I’ve learned that cycle without an ai works a lot better.
Bloodwork is your friend, if you feel something is off.


Agreed this is the most likely scenario.

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Absolute gent.

Thank you for taking the time to help! Much appreciated

Probably low e2