Im about to do my first cycle in 10 days and after consulting with some friends who did it before i decided to go with Test E- Dbol for 10 weeks, Clomid for PCT, and im not sure when exactly should i start clomid,as its my first time im not clear about dosage,and about the PCT should i wait 2 weeks after my last pin or right after my last pin,
i was wondering if u guys can give me some advise, stats are:
Male 25, 6’6(197 cm),171 lb(78 Kg)
12% BF, 6 years martial arts,3 years lifting experience.
Im looking to gain 15-20 lb.
yes,im an ectomorph thats why i wanna get bigger with some help[/quote]
Try food instead. If you can’t gain weight, eat more. Repeat. Still can’t gain weight? Eat more and sleep more. 3000 calories not enough? Eat 4 or 5. You are 6’6". No reason you shouldn’t walk around at over 200 being completely untrained.
Tnx for honest opinion appreciate it, I’ve been eating a lot for years but its really hard to gain weight for me, i’m not that skinny, I’m strong and athletic, currently I’m doing personal training so i know how to train but its really bothering me to be the skinniest guy around so i decided to do a cycle this year im still studying it
1-12 Test Enthanate 500mg/wk (250mg Mon, 250mg thurs)
1-12 Adex 0.5mg EOD
4-13 HCG 250iu twice a week (on injection days)
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
I have seen a lot of people recently reccommending an aromasin/nolvadex PCT as well. Or Nolvadex only. I add the clomid in there because I see some good benefits from it personally. The decision is yours though. Start eating more.
[quote]CougarPride wrote:
You have no business being in this forum [/quote]
I hope you are not talking to me. I have some test and var at home. I was saying at 6’6" 170 he is a twig.[/quote]
Lol, no, I am not talking to you. Calm down ;)[/quote]
takes several deep breaths
You never know the Internet is kinda funny like that. But honestly I wouldn’t have even recommended that basic cycle (which the cycle itself is just fine). Guy is looking for a go ahead and couldn’t even take the time to read and understand the stickies.
[quote]Raaz wrote:
Tnx for honest opinion appreciate it, I’ve been eating a lot for years but its really hard to gain weight for me, i’m not that skinny, I’m strong and athletic, currently I’m doing personal training so i know how to train but its really bothering me to be the skinniest guy around so i decided to do a cycle this year im still studying it [/quote]
Here is some real talk for you bud. Right now either your training or diet is off, more likely the diet, but could be both. If you hop on a cycle now and gain 20+ lbs, you will lose probably all of it, I promise. Your not eating enough to support the size you want. Get your diet in check to the point where you gaining 1-2 lbs/week, then consider using some “help”.
Just my $.02, but i learned this lesson the hard way back in college on my first cycle.
[quote]Raaz wrote:
Tnx bro, so u think dbol is not a good idea in this case? and can u give me some inf about HCG?
You can do the Dbol is you want. I did it 30mg a day for the first 4 weeks and had no side effects from it besides sick pumps when i workout. Everyone reacts to it differently though. They say not to add in different compounds for your first cycle, because if you start to get side effects you’re not going to know which compound is causing those side effects. As far as HCG goes you really need to read on your own man. Thats the only way you’re going to learn. HCG is a great add in though. My balls came back to full size in two weeks and my loads are huge. And it just makes recovery easier.
[quote]Raaz wrote:
Tnx for honest opinion appreciate it, I’ve been eating a lot for years but its really hard to gain weight for me, i’m not that skinny, I’m strong and athletic, currently I’m doing personal training so i know how to train but its really bothering me to be the skinniest guy around so i decided to do a cycle this year im still studying it [/quote]
If its hard for you to gain weight natural what makes you think you will put some on by flooding your body with chemicals?
Its already been said but at least take 6 months first and really change you diet/ training and see if you can put on some size.
Don´t worry about BF% Just get on a decent 5 x 5 programme like Blahas or Starting strength,
Count calories, dont worried about nutrient timing, clean eating or any of that. Use myfitness pal and track Macros, consume Minimum 5000Kcal ED have weight gainer supp on hand just to make things easier. Smash the training and theres no way you will not gain 10-20 lbs over the 6 months.
I used to find it really hard to gain weight then started tracking calories and realized that eating chicken and brown rice etc 5 x per day wasn’t gonna cut it, once youve got into the habit of gaining then you can start tweaking it to make it more “healthy”… after that if you wanna run cycle and re comp then go for it, but you´ll have a lot better chance of keeping the weight post cycle if you do.
Also, if your a PT you´ll look like a right gloit in front of your clients when you balloon up 20lbs then shrink back down to ectoman over 6 months.
[quote]youseethiswatch wrote:
Its already been said but at least take 6 months first and really change you diet/ training and see if you can put on some size.
Don´t worry about BF% Just get on a decent 5 x 5 programme like Blahas or Starting strength,
Count calories, dont worried about nutrient timing, clean eating or any of that. Use myfitness pal and track Macros, consume Minimum 5000Kcal ED have weight gainer supp on hand just to make things easier. Smash the training and theres no way you will not gain 10-20 lbs over the 6 months.
I used to find it really hard to gain weight then started tracking calories and realized that eating chicken and brown rice etc 5 x per day wasn’t gonna cut it, once youve got into the habit of gaining then you can start tweaking it to make it more “healthy”… after that if you wanna run cycle and re comp then go for it, but you´ll have a lot better chance of keeping the weight post cycle if you do.
Also, if your a PT you´ll look like a right gloit in front of your clients when you balloon up 20lbs then shrink back down to ectoman over 6 months.[/quote]