I am planning my second cycle right now and would like some input from real vets. Turns out my guy who set me up with my first cycle was disillusioned as to the effects of 18 weeks on 50mg of D-Bol everyday can do to a person.
It has been 9 months since that cycle and all my bloodwork is finally normal.
29 yrs
185 lbs
My second cycle (please advise)
1-12 week 500mg Test- E (2x250mg week)
1-4 week 30mg Dbol E/D
3-8 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu’s every 4 days week 3-8
Will have letro on hand for gyno - it worked for my last cycle when I got gyno 8 weeks in.
PCT will begin 3 weeks after my last pin:
Clomid: 100/100/50/50
nolva 20/20/20/20
The Dbol is leftover from my last cycle - I absolutely loved the stuff and I would like to use it for the first 4 weeks until the test E starts working. It was my first cycle but my body responded well physically to the Dbol.
My first cycle:
1-18: 50mg Dbol ed
12-17: Letrozole (gyno developed but the letro reversed it)
18-24: Nolvadex
Obviously there are a lot of people who have taken higher doses of orals for longer than 6 months, but based on my research this guy had no business telling me it was safe and that I did not need an AI inhibitor. He is an idiot.
6 months after my PCT ended my testosterone was still low and my pituitary gland production was still down. Things could have been a lot worse but I suppose I was lucky, especially considering that my liver enzymes were ok. That said, I really want to use the HCG “correctly”, though it seems that there are an endless amount of theories regarding best practices, and I really appreciate any advice. It has been a 9 months since PCT ended and I have kept 12 pounds of muscle. I did not run HCG for my first cycle but want to avoid any possible shutdown this time around.
Crazy that you ran dbol for 18 weeks… not sure how much research you did on that, but I wouldn’t have just listened to your dealer.
Anyways, I would up your dbol to 50mg ED, and keep an AI on hand just in case. I know you have letro, but you might want Adex or Aromison just in case.
And it will crash you a million times faster as well. Letro is GREAT for gyno, but other than that, running asin or adex will yield a much better time. There’s no point in constantly running letro.
[quote]BJsRule wrote:
Obviously there are a lot of people who have taken higher doses of orals for longer than 6 months, but based on my research this guy had no business telling me it was safe and that I did not need an AI inhibitor. He is an idiot.
Let’s get something straight, you were the idiot for listening to him and not doing your research on drugs you were ingesting. Take responsibility for your actions.
[quote]CxTucker wrote:
And it will crash you a million times faster as well. Letro is GREAT for gyno, but other than that, running asin or adex will yield a much better time. There’s no point in constantly running letro.[/quote]
I agree that it’s too strong for low dose cycles, but once you appraoch a gram of aromatizables it’s the best thing ever.
Get a pill cutter, and chop the pills up into little bits. It’s by far and away the most cost effective AI.
[quote]BJsRule wrote:
Obviously there are a lot of people who have taken higher doses of orals for longer than 6 months, but based on my research this guy had no business telling me it was safe and that I did not need an AI inhibitor. He is an idiot.
Let’s get something straight, you were the idiot for listening to him and not doing your research on drugs you were ingesting. Take responsibility for your actions.
Good luck with your next cycle, it looks fine.[/quote]
Lets get something straight: There are more constructive ways to criticize people. Was I an idiot? Yes, absolutely - still am in fact. And if I didn’t humble myself enough in my post I apologize. It was my fault for neglecting any due diligence and ultimately if anything would have happened to me, the fault would have been mine alone.
But you are a dick. I don’t care how big you are, how many cycles you have done, etc., an attitude like that transcends just message boards - your family probably hates you and your friends are scared to call you are a Jabroni to your face.
Be nicer to people if you are going to give them advice.