Hi People,
Im going to start my 2. cycle soon, and would like to have a little help... Please comment if it looks okay, or chances have to be made of timing and choices? I
m 31, being training for 5 years in marts, this is 2. cycle, 183 cm. high, and weight is about 103 kg…
Did a primo cycle with HCG on the side last year, that went well I think… Bill was wary nice to guide me
I have:
30 ml. of test E
Lots of HCG
Some Primo
Thinking of going 500mg. test pr. week, in 2 shots, and going test only, but dont know if it
s stupid not to stack it with something, or if I shut go higher if it`s test only?
I have heard that adex is better for controlling estrogen, and better for PCT than nolva, then again some others says that adex is for estrogen under cycle, and nolva is for PCT. what is your opinion?
I`m thinking of something like this: (going 8-10 weeks total)
1: 2500 mg. in 2 shots (frontload)
2-8/10 2250 mg. (All weeks 2 shots pr. week)
HCG: week 2-8/10 2*250 ui pr.week
Adex: week 1-8/10 (or longer if needed?) 0.5mg. pr. day
PCT: Starting 15 days after last shot test and HCG, Nolva 160 mg. day 1, and then 20 mg. a day for the rest of the time, going 3-4 weeks depending on what you say?
Is this any good?, please comment and help me correcting errors…
If you are there Bill, and sees this, you are wary welcome to guide me again
Other`s are off course also welcome
Regards Claus