Test E Cycle (Second Cycle)

Hi People,
Im going to start my 2. cycle soon, and would like to have a little help... Please comment if it looks okay, or chances have to be made of timing and choices? Im 31, being training for 5 years in marts, this is 2. cycle, 183 cm. high, and weight is about 103 kg…
Did a primo cycle with HCG on the side last year, that went well I think… Bill was wary nice to guide me :slight_smile:
I have:

30 ml. of test E
Lots of HCG
Some Primo

Thinking of going 500mg. test pr. week, in 2 shots, and going test only, but dont know if its stupid not to stack it with something, or if I shut go higher if it`s test only?

I have heard that adex is better for controlling estrogen, and better for PCT than nolva, then again some others says that adex is for estrogen under cycle, and nolva is for PCT. what is your opinion?

I`m thinking of something like this: (going 8-10 weeks total)

1: 2500 mg. in 2 shots (frontload)
2-8/10 2
250 mg. (All weeks 2 shots pr. week)

HCG: week 2-8/10 2*250 ui pr.week

Adex: week 1-8/10 (or longer if needed?) 0.5mg. pr. day

PCT: Starting 15 days after last shot test and HCG, Nolva 160 mg. day 1, and then 20 mg. a day for the rest of the time, going 3-4 weeks depending on what you say?

Is this any good?, please comment and help me correcting errors…
If you are there Bill, and sees this, you are wary welcome to guide me again :slight_smile:
Other`s are off course also welcome :slight_smile:

Regards Claus

500mg/week of test is a good start

I don’t believe you need the hcg.

Adex, you might be able to get away with .25mg/day, but if you can have nolva on hand incase you get gyno.

Try the test taper if you like, that is what I like.

Oh, adex on cycle, and nolva after you want to take that approach.
Stop estrogen at the source, and if your estrogen levels get elevated (i.e. signs of gyno) take some nolva.

I did the HCG on the side in my primo cycle,for not shutting down in any ways, I`m a better safe than sorry person, so would you not say go for HCG on this cycle to?

Can I divide a 1 mg. tablet of Adex in 4? (with a knife or what?)

Test taber is that frontload?

The adex tablet is easy to split in half. I’m not sure about quarters, though.

The taper he’s talking about is this:

It’s meant to be a PCT, not a taper up doses to begin your cycle.

Your cycle looks good as is.

EDIT: I’m not sure about the PCT. 40/40/20/20 is ‘standard’ for a nolva PCT.

The adex I agree on, splitting half shut be easy…

Honestly I think that the taberring sounds difficult, I assume that it is something you throw in after your cycle, think I just go normal, because I don`t understand it fully…

I shut start the Adex with the 1. shut of test right?

[quote]LightRider wrote:
The adex I agree on, splitting half shut be easy…

Honestly I think that the taberring sounds difficult, I assume that it is something you throw in after your cycle, think I just go normal, because I don`t understand it fully…

I shut start the Adex with the 1. shut of test right?[/quote]

Is English your second language?

Some people say with Test-E you can wait a week or two before starting the Adex. I usually just start it the first day.

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:

[quote]LightRider wrote:
The adex I agree on, splitting half shut be easy…

Honestly I think that the taberring sounds difficult, I assume that it is something you throw in after your cycle, think I just go normal, because I don`t understand it fully…

I shut start the Adex with the 1. shut of test right?[/quote]

Is English your second language?

Some people say with Test-E you can wait a week or two before starting the Adex. I usually just start it the first day. [/quote]

I think he’s Danish, if I remember correctly from the other thread.

Yes Im from Denmark, so 2. language yes, I know Im not that good, but you guy`s have allot of knowledge :slight_smile:

Better safe than sorry with the Adex…

I have a freind here in Denmark that use the Adex for PCT allso, so he just runs Adex from day 1, to 6 weeks after last shot, what do you think of that?

[quote]LightRider wrote:
Yes Im from Denmark, so 2. language yes, I know Im not that good, but you guy`s have allot of knowledge :slight_smile:

Better safe than sorry with the Adex…

I have a freind here in Denmark that use the Adex for PCT allso, so he just runs Adex from day 1, to 6 weeks after last shot, what do you think of that?[/quote]

No. Stop the Adex 2 weeks after the last Test-E shot. This should be the day before you start the Nolvadex PCT.

[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:

[quote]LightRider wrote:
Yes Im from Denmark, so 2. language yes, I know Im not that good, but you guy`s have allot of knowledge :slight_smile:

Better safe than sorry with the Adex…

I have a freind here in Denmark that use the Adex for PCT allso, so he just runs Adex from day 1, to 6 weeks after last shot, what do you think of that?[/quote]

No. Stop the Adex 2 weeks after the last Test-E shot. This should be the day before you start the Nolvadex PCT.[/quote]

Tapering off the adex into PCT would be a better plan, IMO. Not just going cold turkey

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Agreed. Also, I would continue to use it a low dose indefinitely, or at least 6 weeks after PCT. It will help boost nautral T by warrant of reducing E2 which is of course the primary HPTA feedback hormone.


I always wondered about this. I was under the impression that this would only work if you had high estrogen levels to begin with. If your estrogen levels are in the normal range, and you take an AI, wouldn’t that just give you the problem of low estrogen?

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Agreed. Also, I would continue to use it a low dose indefinitely, or at least 6 weeks after PCT. It will help boost nautral T by warrant of reducing E2 which is of course the primary HPTA feedback hormone.


I always wondered about this. I was under the impression that this would only work if you had high estrogen levels to begin with. If your estrogen levels are in the normal range, and you take an AI, wouldn’t that just give you the problem of low estrogen?[/quote]

Well you wouldn’t be taking the same amount of arimidex as you would with 500mg T being injected. You find the right dose to keep yourself in the low-normal range. A lab tests are needed to get the exact dose right.

If you agree on not stopping the Adex the day before Nolva, can you the give me a more detail`t plan of what to do?
I thinking of something like days / weeks and dose?
Because the way I reed this there is a couple of different solutions?

How long do you wish to run the Adex? Do you want to stop it during PCT? A few weeks after PCT? Run it indefinitely?

The plan was to stop it before Nolva, so the model with stopping it the day before starting Nolva, I think sounds good… But I can hear that there`s different opinion on what to do?

Well the main point is to taper the adex down. The more subtle the taper the better. Which is why I recommend tapering off adex into PCT. The 14 days between the last shot and the first dose of nolvadex is a short amount of time to taper IMO.

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Agreed. Also, I would continue to use it a low dose indefinitely, or at least 6 weeks after PCT. It will help boost nautral T by warrant of reducing E2 which is of course the primary HPTA feedback hormone.


I always wondered about this. I was under the impression that this would only work if you had high estrogen levels to begin with. If your estrogen levels are in the normal range, and you take an AI, wouldn’t that just give you the problem of low estrogen?[/quote]

Well you wouldn’t be taking the same amount of arimidex as you would with 500mg T being injected. You find the right dose to keep yourself in the low-normal range. A lab tests are needed to get the exact dose right.

Well that makes sense. haha


If I take 0,5 mg. Adex EOD while I`m on, and then goes to every 3. day when I start Nolva, for 2 weeks, and then take it every 4. day 2 weeks…

Is this a god approach?

[quote]LightRider wrote:
If I take 0,5 mg. Adex EOD while I`m on, and then goes to every 3. day when I start Nolva, for 2 weeks, and then take it every 4. day 2 weeks…

Is this a god approach?[/quote]

Yes. The half life of adex is pretty long. You can get away with taking it a few days apart. Taking .25mg as a dose would also help, at some point