Alright so I may have messed up.
My schedule is:
1-12 500mg test e
1-9 300mg tren ace
I underestimated the time in which test e starts to kick it. I’m just at the end of week one and I pinned 500mg test e and 300mg tren ace. Will I be shut down and f’ed up until the test e kicks in? What should I do?
The prop my dealer sells is 100mg/ml and I’m not interested in pinning 5ml/week in addition to 2ml/ from test e and tren ace…
test e will kick in between 24-48 hours post injection… you just won’t notice gains from it for a while.
I don’t know what this means for all the tren in your body and how your penis will be affected though.
Thanks for the reply. It’ll be fine though once it kicks in , correct? Is the time before the test kicks in wasted? Will I get anything positive from the tren?
[quote]GodspowerSalami wrote:
Thanks for the reply. It’ll be fine though once it kicks in , correct? Is the time before the test kicks in wasted? Will I get anything positive from the tren?[/quote]
Dude, I have no idea. I’ve never blasted/cycled these drugs before I just know that Test Cyp… which is slower acting than Test E peaks in the blood roughly 48 hours post injection from what I’ve read and that a lot of guys feel the test/increased sex drive/mood within the first week you just don’t get the gains for a while.
Not only that… who knows how you will respond to the tren/dosing. I have heard of guys on tren that all they can think about is fucking then other guys talk about having a soft dick for like ever.
Alright thanks for the replies. I have another question then , how about I (for week 2, which starts today) don’t pin any of the tren and up my test e dose, then on week 3 return to 500mg/week and 300mg tren ace?
So basically the salvage schedule being
Week 1: 500mg test e 300mg tren ace
Week 2: 1g test e
Week 3-12: 500mg test e 300mg tren ace
Just keep your test at 500 mg week 2.youll be fine
Doesn’t front loading decrease the time to which I feel test e’s effects though?