Hey guys.
So this would be my first cycle, I would appreciate any feedback or recommendations. My stats and cycle are as follows.
Age: 21
Height: 5ft 10
Weight: 188 lbs
Body fat %: 8%
Training : 4 years
PGW 300mg Test E
Athos 10mg Tbol
Test E : 450mg for 12 weeks and then dropping the dose to 300mg a week for 2 weeks. this would equal 14 weeks (heard that tapering off at the end is good?). I will be injecting 225mg twice a week.
Tbol : 60mg ED for first 4 weeks to kick-start cycle and last 4 weeks to solidify gains, 60mg split into 20mg three times a day.
Proviron : 50mg ED throughout cycle
PCT : starting 2 weeks after last injection
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/20/20/20
My main concerns are with the tapering of the test, I would like to know if any of you have tried it and if it made a difference if any. My last concern is running the Tbol for the first and last 4 weeks. Would it be better to run the Tbol for the first 8 weeks straight? I seem to get a lot of mixed advice on the Tbol.
Again any advice or feedback would be appreciated.
I wouldn’t lower your test dose, if anything you’re going to want to up it. You don’t need to taper it off, it will taper itself off when you drop it and go into PCT.
I wouldn’t lower your test dose, if anything you’re going to want to up it. You don’t need to taper it off, it will taper itself off when you drop it and go into PCT.[/quote]
I was thinking 600mg of test a week but it being my 1st cycle i thought 450mg a week would suffice, this would also decrease my chance of any sides? I am more than happy to up the dose I just don’t want to if its not completely necessary.
And thanks I’ll be splitting the Tbol into 2 doses.
Haha! Well I don’t think anyone expected this guy to actually be so shredded!
We’ve had a couple of newb cycle proposals the last couple of days that have renewed my faith in humanity.
Mate, you’ll look awesome after your cycle. I wouldn’t bother with the taper for the last 2 weeks though. I’m a HUGE fan of tapering but at the dose you’re running I don’t think it’s necessary. After your last pin in week 12, just wait two weeks and start PCT.
As for the tbol, you can run it either way. I’d personally do the first 4 and last 4, but it’s up to you.