Test E 250mg EW..First Cycle!

Hey guys. Looking to run my first test cycle. I was thinking something light, 250mg EW (test e)

Either thinking 10 or 12 weeks… And then for pct would this look good?

Nolva: 40/40/20/20
30 days of hcegenerate (5 caps a day)

Why run a suppressive compound at such a low dose for such a long time? And what is hcgenerate?

Keep in mind, you will be supressing your own production of T, so running a “light” cycle will not do much more than replenish what you already had. Bump up the dose a bit to see any real effect. Also, plan on using an AI such as Arimidex during the cycle, and pinning more than 1X/week. Save your money and ditch the herbal shit for PCT and just use Nolva.

Unless you have normally high test naturally, you should see good gains running 250-300mgs per week. Split it between two doses and you should be g2g.

Unless you have normally high test naturally, you should see good gains running 250-300mgs per week. Split it between two doses and you should be g2g.

I had great results with 300mg of Test Cypionate every week as first cycle.

rational gaze posted some good links in a different thread. this one caught my attention, you might wanna give it a read. you might be better off running like 8 weeks but higher dose. here is that link : Recovery Time Between Cycles? - Pharma - Forums - T Nation

250mg a week is about a TRT dose. It might still help with gains. It’s not like as soon as testosterone is added to your system nattural production shuts down. TRT gels boost levels. However, I don’t see any reason to use 250 instead of 500.

Also, what’s up with this hcgenerate stuff. It seems like lots of people are including it in PCT now - specifically hcgenerate, not just hcgenerate or other similar supplements.