I dont think i can share some good opinion on this because i do not know a lot about the chemistry part or the labwork stuff about FT and other elements in it, but i can speak in my own words without any science -
i do agree that dose does not matter, and i have been saying that for years. So there is Lee Priest who says he is on TRT now, and that his blasts were like 500mg of test and 400mg od Deca for Mr.O while me on that dose, and most other people wouldnt even get much out of this one cycle.
There were these debates about “old days” how we had some local bodybuilders who competed internationally and only took like 30mg dbol and 200mg deca or those legends about what Arnold took. The first thing that was concluded was that there is no point in comparing that because back then they used pharma grade legal stuff. Nowdays we use god knows what.
And it is like that still - we cant even compare 500mg to 500mg if thats UGL because one dude might be taking a bit weaker lab, who puts 220mg instead of 250, and then there is a lab i know, which likes to spike stuff a bit more to get better feedback from clients and they put 300mg instead of 250mgs.
So one is that - we dont know what we take and i think its ok to say that UGL stuff is always diffrent. I have used tren thats just test with a bit of tren, and i have used tren that kicks like a mule in the face 30 seconds after the injection but both packages said same dosage etc.
And then there is the individual factor you mention - exactly right, some people i know get huge on 3 dbols a day for 8 weeks. I dont even get an acne from that. There are people who respond well and those who dont.
Me, for example, i respond very weak, thats why i also dont get many sides. I believe most of the stuff i take is just metabolised and goes down the drain. I do not get much sides from large doses but then again - i also dont experience very noticable effect of anything.
So yes, there really isnt a point of discussing any dosages because for some, 350mg of tren ruins their life while for some 800mg of tren does close to nothing. That is why i dont discuss dosages to compare, just like there is no point on looking at what others are lifting. Me seeing a 22yr old doing a 400kg deadlift does NOTHING for my goals. Good for him, but thats not me and never will be, so i have no interest in following that dude.
We use doses to suggest to people - how much to take, but if i do that alone, i alwatys say - start with this dose and we will work up from that if needed. I always start low and then just add more if needed. My steroid selling guy always says : “you can ALWAYS increase the dose” so that is why its better to start lower. But i do believe that if you do some dose and dont see results, you should play with it and add more, just to see if that works any better - thats why i have gone as high as 2g of test and 1g of tren, just to SEE if that does something, so now i know that 350mg of test is the same for me as 2g… but i do know, because i tried. For some people 2g would be good and enough for Olympia, who knows. And the other way around - what ive been doing last year - if i feel good on a certain dosages i take something away just to see if i look of feel weaker, and maybe i can do half the dose with close to same effects. Im actually planning on taking away whole compounds after this summer to see what i will maintain when i will be left with test only.
Sorry, i think im just babling now