Test C, Tren, Eq, NPP Cycle

I am going to be starting a new cycle soon and wanted some input…

I have access to the following:
Test C
Tren E
Mast E
Sust 250

Was looking to go for Mass,. Been thinking Tren, test C, eq, Npp… Suggestions

Is this your first cycle? That’s a lot of gear either way. Tren is its own monster and comes with a price.

Tell us more about yourself, your cycling experience, etc.

Test/NPP/Mast is the way. That’s a tried and true mass stack with the main builders being test and nand and the mast helping with some DHT benefits that seem to help a lot of the guys who run into trouble with nand sides. Just my observations of the landscape.

Edit: yeah, some previous cycle experience plus current stats would be helpful. I wrote that assuming you had already checked off all the boxes.


So this will be cycle 5… Started easy with just sust at 500mg/wk and mast at 400mg/wk

2 cycles of tren,mast,and sust (400,400,250)
Currently on a Npp,test C cycle (400,625)

Also adex Evey 3rd day, and 40mg nolva/day when I cycle off.

Started at @135lb currently up to @170lb,. But looking to push to 185 - 200 range

The trending knowledge is that this is not necessary and does more damage. The issue is Test/E2 ratio, not just the presence of elevated E2.

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So drop the adex and nolva…

I probably misspoke on the nolva, you will need that for your PCT but adex during the cycle may not be necessary.

How the fuck are you only at 170 after 4 cycles of which you’ve run some big time shit on?! Are you 5’1?


He did mention he started at 135, many who start at this kind of size have no idea how to diet/train, they let the gear do all the work

While admittedly gear is magic, it won’t turn idiocy into optimisation

If he’s like 5’1 though, then he’s a tank

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No, I am 5-5,. But my issue is probably linked to the fact that I am currently at a state run facility…ie: prison… Getting out in a few days though. I did weigh yesterday at 176… nutrition here is horrible to say the least…

You’re cycling in a prison. Jesus… how do you pull that off.

End of a 10+ year sentence,. Managed to make the work release detail about two years ago. :grin::grin:

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Jesus Christ my dude… did you kill someone?

Though now that I think of it given how stupid our “tough on crime”
Approach is you might’ve done something very minor in the grand scheme of things

Nah, but I did burn a guy’s house down around him but over $40k…,… bad move on my part

His house was $40k?

No,. He owed me 40k for some merchandise I fronted to him… Didn’t want to pay so…

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40k worth of merchandise… that’s quite a lot, def not a small time trafficker (narcotics)

We all make mistakes though, live and learn!

Definitely learned my lesson, now just looking to move forward…

Was thinking going on a blend my supplier has… Tren, mast, sust (all one shot), and adding eq, and npp…

Not a fan of blends. Hell Sus alone is a blend. So you have a blend of blends… LOL.

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