Test and Deca Injections

Just started my first cycle of test and deca. I been doing it for four weeks and have only injected in the glute.
Problem is I have now got a big hard ball where I have been injecting which I’m assuming is a scar tissue.
Obviously I will stop injecting in that area.
Just wanted to know what’s the best way of getting rid of this ball (size of a golf ball)
Would using a roller everyday do the trick? Also how long does it usually take to go away, well that’s if it does I suppose🤷🏼‍♂️
Any help is appreciated for a newbie

Sometimes it goes away pretty soon, but if you rape the area often, like in my case, needles just bend when i stick them in the glutes, so i can do only lats, delts and quads.

Warming the place and massage might help but you have to understand that if you will continue to do this the same problem will just be a normal ocurance.


I have a bit of this in my delts. The nurse was confused when she tried to give me the Covid vax. Couldn’t push the needle in any further (I think the protocol is to push it all the way in). They use like 1.5" needles for the vax which seems unnecessary, but I guess in the US they need it for the whales.

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They used pretty big needles in here also for the vax. I also tought its pointless to jab skinny girls arm with a full on IM needle. No wonder most girls complained of not being able to move the arm for 3 days.

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My thoughts too. It seemed they didn’t change the needle depending on the person. Do most women even have 1.5" on their delts?

Nah, in here almost all girls would be considered anorexic for US standards…average girl is around 5’7 here and 130lbs is already the upper end of their weight.

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So perfect.

Probably not yet. It’s your first cycle. We call the injection spots “virgin” because when starting to pin, it hurts a lot more than a muscle that has been pinned a lot. This is a very common issue for first cycles.

Just stop pinning there for now. The ball will almost for sure go away.

You can try the roller. Might help.

My buddy had a lot of these issues on his first run. He said that spending 15 minutes on the stationary bike before lifting is what helped him the most. He also started pinning lats and delts which he said was better for him. I am a lat guy myself. For me, it is the best injection spot. I haven’t gotten pain or lumps yet in around a year of pinning there.

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I actually do all my pinning directly after a shower while my body temp is still elevated (and I’m clean, lol). I’ve found this can help A LOT.


Was first going to post the Lizzo flute thing but that would be insensitive. Instead for the US-based dirty bulkers:

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Could well be the carrier oil. I get a similar hard lump when injecting Arachis oil.

It’s roughly been injected in the one are I would say 10 times, going to stop doing it there. Was just more concerned for the actual lump and how to get rid of it.
I was doing it wrong so maybe the needle was blunt when injecting. I was using the same needle that I drew the oil with as well.

Legend, thanks for your help mate, I am going to do the shoulder next, didnt even know the lat was an option. Will look at that also so I dont have this issue again.

Any other bits of advise you can give to a newbie, thanks

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A bonus with lat and delt, is if you’re fairly lean you can use insulin syringes, with a 1/2 needle that is skinny (I use 27 gauge). I think that helps with the pain. The most I’ve done is 1 mL per injection with those (and the most you can do, they are 1 mL only).

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