Test and Anavar cycle

Can anyone give me advice on a good 12 week test and var cycle? Should HCG be introduced at the end or thoughout? And best pct? I have cycled a couple before so not totally new to the game,


Currently 90kg around 15-17% body fat.
Have ran test before and test deca a long time ago. Im hoping to just add some lean muscle and drop some body fat. Is there anything elseni could be adding to drop the body fat?

This is totally generic as you post 0 info about yourself.

500test wk 1-12
50mg/day(split 25/25) anavar either first 6 or last 6 weeks. I would choose last personally.
I would not use HCG on cycle. I would wait until after PCT is complete to reintroduce it if you feel you need to use it. Unless you plan to have kids I wouldnā€™t bother with it.
PCT protocol would be a SERM for 5 weeks tapering down dosage. Start 3 weeks after last pin.

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Ditto. Done it both ways and when the oral lets go you seem to stall. Iā€™d rather have it the end for a final growth push.

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but new info to not give any info lol

gonna have to help us out with some background if you want real advice. otherwise sure Test + Var is classic cycle, HCG is often used if you wan to keep your nuts swinging. Good luck