Alright guys, before I start I just want to say im more than happy to take as much flaming as I receive; I deserve it.
I decided on the ninth of october to start a one month epidrol (same coumpound as epistane and havoc) cycle.
Made pretty impressive gains on it, put 30 pounds on my max bench and felt untouchable for a month.
I was told that all I would need for PCT would be an over the counter AI called ATD JET as epidrol is meant to be very easy on you in terms of sides.
I came to the end of the cycle on the ninth of this month and since then have felt completely terrible, hard to sleep, depressed, lethargic, puffy nipples and zero sex drive which dosent come in handy when you have a new girl friend.
I waited one day after the cycle ended then started onto the 25mg a night of ATD and take ZMA also.
Im pretty sure that it is having zero effect on me, and really just need to know what to do as I have felt this fucking scared in my life to be honest.
Im 18 and from Northern Ireland if that has any bearing on things.
Thank you in advance
[quote]flashgordon wrote:
I was told that all I would need for PCT would be an over the counter AI called ATD JET as epidrol is meant to be very easy on you in terms of sides.
I came to the end of the cycle on the ninth of this month and since then have felt completely terrible, hard to sleep, depressed, lethargic, and zero sex drive which dosent come in handy when you have a new girl friend.
So… Did you bother to do any research before stacking Epistane and Havoc at the ripe old age of 18?
Nope. You took someone’s bullshit advice, ran oral steroids, and thought you could get off on the cheap with just an AI? Madness…
Sometimes the best lessons in life are learned the hard way.
You need a SERM to kickstart your HPTA as soon as possible. Nolvadex is a popular one. Read the prohormone sticky a few times while you wait for it to come.
Tisk tisk … looks like your in the middle of waiting in out. Force yourself to the gym to maintain.
Others might chime in about your puffy nips but They are there now and most likely to stay. Sorry.
If you consider doing a cycle of anything stick with the real deal. They are well documented and you can anticipate all the sides and take action on them.
For your noodle dick get some CIALIS® (tadalafil). That shit will make you like a 12 year old boy holding boobies for the first time!
[quote]dirtbag wrote:
Tisk tisk … looks like your in the middle of waiting in out. Force yourself to the gym to maintain.
Others might chime in about your puffy nips but They are there now and most likely to stay. Sorry.
If you consider doing a cycle of anything stick with the real deal. They are well documented and you can anticipate all the sides and take action on them.
For your noodle dick get some CIALIS® (tadalafil). That shit will make you like a 12 year old boy holding boobies for the first time! [/quote]
LOL 12 was only 6 years ago for the OP. Doesn’t have the same ring to it when that is considered haha
ok, dead on cheers lads.
Got any ideas on the best place to get some nolvadex???
And yes, i did plenty of research, then decided to take someones advice instead.
Class A dickhead behaviour…
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
dirtbag wrote:
Tisk tisk … looks like your in the middle of waiting in out. Force yourself to the gym to maintain.
Others might chime in about your puffy nips but They are there now and most likely to stay. Sorry.
If you consider doing a cycle of anything stick with the real deal. They are well documented and you can anticipate all the sides and take action on them.
For your noodle dick get some CIALIS® (tadalafil). That shit will make you like a 12 year old boy holding boobies for the first time!
LOL 12 was only 6 years ago for the OP. Doesn’t have the same ring to it when that is considered haha[/quote]
Seriously, that stuff converts into another suppressive androgen. It will do ZERO good as a PCT. It might have it’s use on cycle to prevent aromatization, but it’s TERRIBLE for PCT. Trust me on this one, I’ve seen the data and it’s NOT good for PCT.
if worst comes to worst and you cant find any if your area you can pretty much just google nolvadex and like 50 sites will come up that you can buy it from.