Terrible Pain

hey guys…i have a problem,when i inject winstrol in deltoid i have terrible pain…all day…why is that;plz help!

My solution: dont inject in deltoid.

I bet you massage after injecting? Dont.

Or you just move your delts a lot… which is normal considering every day life… Which will then make the winstrol powder rub against your muscle. Not good.

[quote]zraw wrote:
I bet you massage after injecting? Dont.[/quote]

Interesting. Why is this bro? I have been doing this all the time, im guessing you suggest against due to the dispertion of the oil around the muscle?


guys thnx for the answers…well,today i inject at the other deltoid and i’m fine…maybe i’m crazy :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:

[quote]zraw wrote:
I bet you massage after injecting? Dont.[/quote]

Interesting. Why is this bro? I have been doing this all the time, im guessing you suggest against due to the dispertion of the oil around the muscle?


If your winstrol is oil base this doesnt apply. Lots of winstrols are water based so that the user could also drink it instead of pinning if he wanted to. Water is absorbed very very quickly by the muscles (obviously) so if you massage the injection site or rub it or whatever, you are most likely just rubbing “dry” crystals against the muscle

can i add finaplix(trenbolone ace.)for the last three weeks of my cycle; :expressionless: