[quote]Professor X wrote:
jermag27 wrote:
What ever happened to artistic creativity? All I’ve seen recently is half-assed attempts to capitalize on someone else’s 15 year old ideas.
FOX puts a gay spin on Knight Rider and Terminator, destroys the original story line, and throws it on TV. A few years back, it was the Dukes of Hazzard movie. Next we’ll see the A-Team back on TV with some flaming metrosexual trying to pull off a Mister-T role.
I loved the Terminator movies, and still watch them. I won’t go see this one, not after being hooked on the originals. I wish Hollywood would earn it’s ridiculous salary and deliver truly original ideas.
Hollywood ran out of ideas years ago. They should be falling to their knees and kissing the ass of Stan Lee and anyone who created a character that was living in comics for decades until it brought Tinsel Town back from the dead.
If it weren’t for IronMan, Batman and The Hulk, I would have stopped seeing movies at the theater after the first Spiderman release.
Horror movies are at the same level. If they aren’t stealing ideas from Asian movie makers, they are redoing 20 year old scary movies. Only ONE of those remakes makes me glad they did it (DOTD).
I give them until the they run out of comic movies in about 10 years before they go under completely.
People were going to the movies less and less until Batman Begins. They should enjoy this period while it lasts.
I will however see this Terminator movie. I think you may be a little sick if you think this won’t at least be entertaining.[/quote]
Whats ridiculous, is the idea of tinsel town being this glamorous place where the streets and buildings are beautiful, clean, and filled with magic. BULLSHIT. I live about 10 minuted from this place, and it’s nothing but a dump.
Not to mention, all the struggling Hollywood writers who read and write scripts while walking on the treadmill, how can they finish such a difficult workout? Real life Hollywood is nothing like what most people perceive it to be. There is so much relying on CGI, the idea of having to actually act is almost non-existent.
I thought the trailer for the Wolverine movie to be pretty good. Sorry not trying to hijack.